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Gordon Ramsay Skewers Classic Books

Photo by Gabby K from Pexels

Gordon Ramsay has made a name for himself as a chef who does not hide his displeasure. Through Boiling Point, the UK and American versions of Kitchen Nightmares, Hell’s Kitchen, Master Chef—even that one time he played a Smurf—Ramsay has been direct, unapologetic and often very, very loud about insulting food and those who prepare it if either fall below his standard. But what if he turned his attention from food to books? How might Ramsay feel about classics of modern literature?

Posted by Jadzia Axelrod

Our Favorite Sci-Fi Novels – And They’re all by Women

It’s National Science Fiction Day and in a genre inundated with the male perspective, we’ve decided to do something a little different. Today we’re showcasing all of our favorite sci-fi novels – and wouldn’t you know it, they’re all written by women. Settle in for a dark and stormy STEM-filled night, friends.

Posted by Danielle Mohlman

Literary Roles of Benedict Cumberbatch

Editor's Note: To finish out 2018, we're revisiting some of our favorite blog posts from the past year. This post was originally published on 7/18/18. 

We all know that Benedict Cumberbatch made his mark playing literary great Sherlock Holmes in the BBC series Sherlock, but how many other literary Cumberbatch roles can you name? While we could spend literally his entire birthday coming up with literary misspellings of his name and other bookish memes, we’d rather celebrate the literary roles that decorate his IMDB page.

Posted by Danielle Mohlman

What If Fictional Archeologists Acted Like Actual Archeologists?

Editor's Note: To finish out 2018, we're revisiting some of our favorite blog posts from the past year. This post was originally published on 3/13/18. 

The adventurer-archeologist is a common story trope, traipsing through jungles and lost tombs in sexy outfits, firing guns and flashing whips, with a quip for every occasion. They’re ready for anything—except, apparently, the actual business of archeology. Here’s a peek at what it would be like if these action heroes acted like their real-world counterparts.

Posted by Jadzia Axelrod

Kill Your Darlings: 101 Pieces of Advice for Writers & Serial Killers

Editor's Note: To finish out 2018, we're revisiting some of our favorite blog posts from the past year. This post was originally published on 6/21/18. 

Murder and writing so often go hand in hand. How much difference is there really between the red-inked remains of a harshly-edited manuscript and the blood-red remains of what once was a human being? Here are 101 kernels of advice for both the writer and the serial killer, ready to be taken to heart, as if slammed there by a very sharp knife. Go forth and create masterpieces of life’s very blood!

Posted by Jadzia Axelrod

Pop Culture/Literary BFFs Who Go Together Like PB&J

Editor's Note: To finish out 2018, we're revisiting some of our favorite blog posts from the past year. This post was originally published on 4/3/18. 

They say best friends are never more than a phone call away. But It’s 2018, so we should probably revise that to “never more than a FaceTime, Snapchat, or VR sesh away.” Even then, these fancy new methods of keeping in touch really only apply if you exist in the same dimension as your bestie, which to be frank, might not always be the case. Before passing away, Stephen Hawking co-published a final paper on the possibility of a multiverse, prompting us to wonder, can we really even say who our true best friends are? For all we know, they might not even exist in the same time or space. We tested the theory, and sure enough, in the case of these pop culture and literary icons, their perfect matches weren’t even found in the same story, let alone universe.

Posted by J. B. Kish