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Innocent Childhood Games That Would Make Excellent Horror Movies

We're sure everybody has had an occurrence that could equate to a horror movie where they, of course, would play the lead. Whether it’s a creepy neighbor who watches you come home from work each night, or the eerily quiet co-worker who constantly peers over their cubicle at you—there’s a little Stephen King in all of us to knock out the next best-selling thriller. However, there’s something scarier lurking in your children’s toy chest—board games that could double as horror movies. Get ready to look at your favorite childhood board games in a different light.

Posted by Jill Effron

Veronica Mars and Other Plucky Young Detectives

Veronica Mars

Veronica Mars is back for a fourth season and we couldn’t be happier. The season premieres on Hulu on July 26 and we’re counting down the days. Veronica is hands down our favorite private investigator (sorry, Jessica Jones) and we’re eagerly anticipating this eight-episode adventure. Which got us thinking about the young detectives and private investigators that populate our bookshelves.

Posted by Danielle Mohlman

Brief Interviews With Hideous Moons

July 20, 2019 is National Moon Day! And while we all love and cherish our beautiful moon in the night’s sky, what about other, less attractive moons that revolve around the planets in our solar system? What if we could talk to them? And what if, if we did, they responded in a way not unlike David Foster Wallace’s Brief Interviews With Hideous Men?

Posted by Jadzia Axelrod

Fictional Characters’ Favorite Junk Foods

It’s summer, the season of junk food: funnel cakes, ice cream, French fries, etc. Which is ironic, especially if you worked so hard all year for the unattainable bikini season. Do you think your favorite fictional characters thought twice about their favorite junk food interfering with beach body season? Probably not. While we're beating the summer heat, we imagined what their favorite junk foods might be.

Posted by Jill Effron

Literary References in Beatles Songs

Have you seen Yesterday yet? While we think the concept is very entertaining – a musician wakes up one day to discover he’s the only person who remembers The Beatles – it’s a world we definitely don’t want to live in. Imagine not knowing a single Beatles song. Not even "Piggies!"(Okay, yeah. We get it. No one actually likes "Piggies.") But imagine how many Beatles literary references we’d lose!

Posted by Danielle Mohlman

Best Moths in Pop Culture

Summer is well and truly here, and that means that the nights are filled with barbeques and patio drinks…and of course, moths, who just can’t stay away from those party vibes! As well as being an uninvited guest at summer gatherings, moths are the underrated cousin to the butterfly in the world of pop culture. They aren't as flashy or as colorful, and there are far fewer moth characters to be found in the pages of books or on the screen, but there are a few. This month, we are celebrating the dark and fuzzy winged ones that appear across fictional world and in pop culture, whether they're the star of the show or just a helpful little friend.

Posted by Rose Moore