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What to Read After You’ve Finished Watching Parasite

Photo by Markus Winkler from Pexels

We’re all home practicing social distancing and self-isolation, so what better time to dig into the movies we completely missed out on last year? We’re so excited to finally see Parasite (we know, we know) which is now on Hulu as of April 8! And because we’re currently craving companion media to go with all the other media we’re consuming, we came up with a list of five novels about class conflict and social inequality to read after – and maybe even in anticipation of – Parasite.

Posted by Danielle Mohlman

Book Recs for Pet Parents

Image by LUM3N from Pixabay

Being a pet parent isn’t all it’s cracked up to be. There’s tons of cuddling, petting and treat giving. Lots of long walks to the park or chasing the laser pointer. Actually, being a pet parent is pretty awesome! If you’re a proud pet parent, here are a few books we think you might enjoy reading, especially while you're home and spending that extra quality time with your furry BFF.

Posted by Sandra Woolf

Books as Beer Bottles

It's National Beer Day, and social distancing can't stop us from collectively cracking open a bottle of beer and drinking together, alone in our own homes. So grab your favorite beer and—wait a minute, something's not right. These beer bottles seem to have something…literary going on.

Which bookish beer bottle label is your favorite? Let us know on Twitter @quirkbooks!

Posted by Quirk Books Staff

How to Throw a Virtual Bookish Party

In this time of quarantine and social distancing, it can be easy to lose track of the day of the week – or the last time you called your best friend. Which is why we’re proposing a virtual hangout with purpose. A #Couchella, if you will – but way more literary. Throw a bookish party from the comfort (and safety) of your own home. Because we all know how wonderful it is to make an extrovert’s day.

Posted by Danielle Mohlman

How to Exercise Like You’re in a Training Montage

It's World Health Day, and even though we're #stayinghome to help flatten the curve, we can still exercise! Are you excited to start training like a soon-to-be-action star? Of course you are! And like any would-be hero/ine, you know exactly how to get there: an epic montage.

But what really goes into a great montage, and what do you need to know to get started? With these simple steps, you’ll be the best around in no time.

Special Trainer’s Note: Absolutely train like you’re in a montage, but always remember to stay safe, rest, and refuel/rehydrate as you do. These scenes are generally cut from the final montages, but they are crucial to succeeding in the long run and improving a little more every day.

Posted by Margaret Dunham

Virtual Ways to Appreciate Your School Librarian

Photo by Skitterphoto from Pexels

This past Saturday was School Librarian Appreciation Day, but with most schools closed across the country – and others turning to remote learning – it may have been difficult to appreciate your school librarians from afar. Here at Quirk, we see our librarians as warriors and teachers, purveyors of knowledge and the written word. Which is why we’ve come up with five completely remote ways to say a loud and heartfelt “Thank you!”

Posted by Danielle Mohlman