Our Blog

Quarantine Roundup: Exercising at Home

Photo by Jonathan Borba from Pexels

 While we're at home, we decided to round up some of our past blog posts for easy access. Looking to exercise from the comfort of your house? Quarantine workouts coming your way!

Posted by Quirk Books Staff

Quirk-Themed Zoom Backgrounds

Image by mohamed Hassan from Pixabay

If you're like us, you're using Zoom a lot these days—for work meetings, happy hours, and virtual hangs with friends and family. Video chats help us feel more connected when we're apart. (And we really miss our coworkers!) Besides seeing friendly faces, the best part about video chatting is changing the background. That got us thinking: what if we made Quirk-themed Zoom backgrounds featuring some of our titles? So we did. Go ahead and give your Zoom call a literary spin!

To save the backgrounds, click the image to be taken to the file, and then right click and save. (Psst, when you use these on Zoom, the image will appear backwards for you because Zoom shows you your mirrored image. To everyone else, the image will appear normal!)

Posted by Quirk Books Staff

Book Recs for the Characters in What We Do in the Shadows

Photo by Jack Gittoes from Pexels

One of our favorite shows of all time is back and the timing couldn’t be more perfect. We’re all stuck inside. And the vampires of What We Do in the Shadows are stuck inside their dark coffins during the day. And because it can’t always be easy to lay in a light-proof box – especially when you’re not the least bit tired – we’ve come up with some pretty excellent book recommendations to lull our favorite vampires to sleep at the end of a long night.

Posted by Danielle Mohlman

We Bite: Buffy Vs. Other Vampires from Pop Culture

TV still from Buffy the Vampire Slayer

One of the most iconic TV shows to ever hit the air was the fantastic Buffy the Vampire Slayer starring Sarah Michelle Gellar in the titular role. This show was by far one of the most popular shows of its time, spawning its own well received spin off in Angel, and of course a slew of comic books, all of which met with acclaim. Still, throughout the series, Buffy fought an ever reproducing cadre of no name vampire foes. Some eventually left the ranks of irrelevant to become famous in their own right like Spike and The Master, but who really remembers the names of the thousands dusted along the way? Perhaps it is time to consider the outcomes of a Buffy fight against some real tough vampire foes.

Posted by David Winnick

Other Things You Can Do on Tax Day (Now That You Don’t Have to Do Your Taxes)

Image from Pexels

There are few things that are more dreaded than doing taxes—and with good reason! Taxes have a reputation for being complicated, time-consuming, and of course, difficult to get right. There’s always a fear that something is missing, that you won’t get the return you should, or (far worse) that you will make the kind of mistake that has the government releasing the hounds.

However, this year offers a surprise reprieve from springtime tax day, as the COVID-19 pandemic has prompted the IRS to announce that the tax deadline has been pushed. This is a welcome measure to help people affected by the global pandemic, but it’s also left people wondering just what to do with what would have been Tax Day. Thankfully, we’ve got some isolation-friendly (and bookworm-friendly) ideas for you, so you can celebrate having another couple of months to enjoy before knuckling down to that dreaded task.

Posted by Rose Moore

Dream Literary Roles for Saoirse Ronan

Image from Pixabay

We hope Saoirse Ronan spent her birthday safely quarantined in her home, reading a good book. But social distancing can’t stop us from dreaming up a delicious list of literary roles that we would absolutely love to see her play.

Posted by Danielle Mohlman