Our Blog

On the Blog with Quirk Authors

Photo by Patrick Fore on Unsplash.

Still at home and running out of things to pass the time? Scan these blog posts for content from your favorite Quirk authors. Learn how to sculpt the Cake Creeper from Bites of Terror, steal some reading material from Quirk authors' TBR shelves, and draft a new story with Quirk author writing prompts.

Posted by Quirk Books Staff

Very Best of Quirk’s Book Recs for You

Photo by John Michael Thomson on Unsplash

Has the extra quarantine time annihilated your TBR pile? Do you miss the comforting stacks of books next to your bed or your packed "Want to Read" Goodreads shelf? We're got you covered with this helpful roundup of our very best book recs. 

Posted by Quirk Books Staff

A (Quarantined) Gift Guide for Mother’s Day

We may all be at home this Mother's Day, but that doesn't mean we can't shower Mom from afar! Order one of these Quirk reads to send her way, and don't forget to include a little note letting her know how much she means to you. To all the moms out there, you rock!

Posted by Quirk Books Staff

Quarantinis: A Boozy Literary Roundup

Photo by cromaconceptovisual on Pixabay.

Quench your quarantine needs with this roundup! Grab your favorite drink (mix a quarantini perhaps?) and sit back with these boozy literary posts. Cheers!  

Posted by Quirk Books Staff

The Literary Roles of Dev Patel

Photo by JESHOOTS.com from Pexels

Dev Patel shot to fame thanks to the Oscar-winning Slumdog Millionaire, and since then, he’s starred in everything from action films to high drama to retirement comedy. Most recently, Patel has found himself at the center of casting controversy, thanks to his portrayal of David Copperfield. Many fans and critics applauded the decision to cast based on sheer charisma and talent, rather than race, but of course, a vocal minority was none too pleased about it.

However, there’s no doubt that Patel’s role has changed the way we look at classic literary characters (hopefully for the better), opening up future adaptations as well. In honor of the film, we’re taking a look at some of his other literary roles.

Posted by Rose Moore

Book Recommendations for Twins and Doppelgängers

Photo by Craig Adderley from Pexels

We're calling the twins and doppelgängers in our lives and giving them book recommendations to order from their local independent bookstores – and to check out digitally from their library’s e-book collection. Here are some of our favorites!

Posted by Danielle Mohlman