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Cookie Butter Oatmeal Sandwich Cookies
I’ve never been a huge fan of traditional sandwich cookies. I know that probably makes me a weirdo in your book, but two dry cookies sandwiched with a dreamy filling doesn’t make an ideal cookie to me. I’ll eat the filling, leave the dry cookies, thank you.

Posted by Melissa Karras
Back from the Dead and Taking Selfies: Classic Authors on Instagram
With its insta-social, insta-vintage snapshot-sharing network, Instagram would be the ideal way to keep up with the lives of your favorite authors… if it weren’t so biased to authors who are still alive, that is.
Fortunately, with a little imagination (and Photoshop), we’ve whipped up some perfect pix to flesh out the feeds of a few dearly departed literary darlings.
Posted by Kristen Humbert
A Simple Guide to Spotting the Femme Fatale
Ah, one of the most compelling and, well, dangerous of literary characters – the femme fatale. Love her or hate her (probably both), she’s a staple in many stories. Here’s your guide to the lady (usually) in black.
The femme fatale is most notably a classic in detective fiction and the noir genre, but her origins go back much farther than that. This archetype is part of the folklore of many cultures and she became a prominent literary character in the 19th century. John Keats wrote about the femme fatale in many poems; the character of Matilda in The Monk is a classic example; and Edgar Allen Poe used the archetype in his work. She is also a central piece to a lot of paintings from this time period (by artists like Edvard Munch and Gustav Klimt).
The femme fatale will do the impossible to get what she wants, including flaunting her “sexy-and-she-knows-it” body to wrap millions of men around her red polished finger. However, the femme fatale isn’t a floozy – she won’t just throw herself at anyone. No, she sets her sights after careful consideration and follows through with a plan – one that never portrays her as a sexual prowess.
A common trick is deception, as the femme fatale fakes weakness in order to accept another character’s “help.” Once one has fallen for the femme fatale, there’s no getting away. She’s got you right where she wants you, baby.
The femme fatale character is everywhere. She exists in every corner of pop culture, although not on the cover of Britney Spear’s most recent album (aside from the name – Femme Fatale – the cover art is a terrible portrayal of the character type). Meet a few of our favorite femme fatales:
The Text: Buffy the Vampire Slayer
The Role: A “sometimes rogue, sometimes helpful” vampire slayer.
The Costume: All the cool clothes from the late 1990s + red lipstick.
The Text: The Big Sleep
The Role: A ruthless and spoiled daughter of a very rich man.
The Costume: Classy white dresses + mysterious eyes.
The Text: DC Comic’s Batman franchise
The Role: A burglar and jewelry thief.
The Costume: A tight black leather bodysuit + cat ears. Meow.
Maria Vicente is a literary agent intern living in Ottawa, Canada. She likes coffee, books, snail mail, and magic. You can find her on Twitter (@MsMariaVicente) or check out her website (mariavicente.com)
Posted by Maria Vicente
Worst-Case Wednesday: How to Deal With a Nightmare Roommate
It’s very likely that for most of your young adult life, you are going to have to deal with the character-building experience of living with roommates.
In today’s tough economic times, it’s just not financially practical for most people to live on their own in their twenties. Living with another person can be tough—people never let on about how gross, irresponsible, loud, or lazy they are, so choosing your roommate can be a shot in the dark. So, how do you deal with a bad roommate? The easiest way is probably to be passive aggressive with the roommate instead of direct and to-the-point. I would guess that such an approach would yield better, faster results.
At any rate, it would be FUN!
To get you started, here are some handy tips from The Worst-Case Scenario Survival Handbook: College to get you started.
Posted by Jennifer Murphy
Swissted’s Launch Party @ powerHouse Arena
Photo by DJ DB (thanks!)
This past Thursday, Mike Joyce celebrated the release of Swissted at the powerHouse Arena in Brooklyn, NY.
This venue was PERFECT. A number of posters featured in Swissted were hung up around the venue, and looked so great in the space. Mike gave a talk before signing books (see the fistpump photo below!), and it was just a wonderful event. We can't wait to work with powerHouse again for The Resurrectionist in June! Thanks to the crew at powerHouse, Svedka, and everyone who came out.
In Brooklyn? Stop by powerHouse. The posters will remain up until April, so you've got time to check them out. And Mike is going to stop by powerHouse this week to sign all the remaining copies in the store.
Check out a few more snaps below.
And if you were there and took some pictures, send them on over ([email protected])! We'd love to see them.
Posted by Mari Kraske