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Breakfast for Dinner: September’s Quirk Perk!

What Your Childhood Collection Says About You Now

There’s a kind of chicken-and-egg situation with kids and the things they collect: which came first, the savvily-marketed toy series or the desire to hoard up multiple forms of the same thing? Either way, having a collection was a necessary part of childhood. Options for collections vary—if there’s more than one of it, it can be collected—but the ones you chose say a lot about your personality.

Posted by Maria Vicente

Six Things To Learn from the Dawson’s Creek College Experience

I don’t wanna wait…for spring break to be over?

You’d be surprised by the things you can learn from Dawson’s Creek. Despite being a teenage drama, the show is filled with profound life lessons and references to classic films that contain even more advice.

In the fifth season of the show, Joey Potter reinvents her life at Worthington University, a fictional ivy league school where she majors in—you guessed it—English literature. She is no longer simply “the girl down the creek” but a woman filled with important English-y knowledge.

You can skip the first year of University and learn all you need to know about life by watching Joey’s experiences on the small screen.

Posted by Maria Vicente

How Wishbone Helped Me Win at English Class

For years, I had a ritual everyday after coming home from school. Exhausted from the seemingly interminable day, I laid in my bed and watched TV. The WB was a particular favorite of mine because it was one of two stations that had good reception. They had a pretty stellar lineup of after-school programming with Animaniacs, Pinky and the Brain, and Batman: The Animated Series being among my favoritesBut out of all those shows, one stood out, a show on the only other station that had reception.

I can sing the theme to Wishbone, no problem (I can, but I won’t, for everyone’s sake). I loved that show more than any of them and I can probably trace my supreme love of dogs over any other animal directly to that bookish Jack Russell Terrier. I knew I was learning, but I didn’t care, because there was an adorable dog in a Sherlock Holmes costume. That is absolute TV gold.

Wishbone has been an integral part of my education, too. On occasion, I’ve remembered a detail from an episode of Wishbone more easily than one from a book that I had just read…because a dog wearing a costume is way more memorable than words on a page. Here are some of my favorite episodes of Wishbone that actually helped me pass English class (even honors classes!).

Posted by Brian Morell

Extermi-Bake: Doctor Who Inspired Baking Supplies?!

If your culinary prowess extends no further than fish fingers and custard, then perhaps you need some help. It isn’t easy to construct a Dalek from frosting or draw the clean lines of the TARDIS from royal icing. If your attempts look like they have exterminated themselves, hopefully our roundup of Doctor Who themed baking supplies can help you create treats worthy of being shared with friends throughout time and space.

Posted by Jennifer Morell

5 Slam-Dunk YA Sports Books

With the thousands of Young Adult books printed each year, it’s easy to miss ones you may love, especially if you’re a reader of a niche category. If you’d rather read about scoring points than scoring with vampires, it can be tricky to spot sports books in bookstores and libraries unless you do extensive research before arriving.

Lucky for you, I happen to have done just that! Here are five winning picks for YA sportsfans.

Posted by Shanyn Day