Our Blog

On Shakespeare, On Austen, On Wordsworth and Carroll! Author Reindeer for Santa’s Sleigh

Here at Quirk, we believe writers can do anything: star in movies, be superheroes…and pull sleighs. Why not? So, in the spirit of the holiday season, we thought it was time to divvy up Santa’s team of reindeer according to their famous author personalities…

Posted by Hanna Fogel

Nine Adventurous Cross-Stitch Projects for The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug

Whether you are killing time, waiting for The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug or needing to fill those moments between second breakfast and elevenses, I’ve gathered together nine incredible Tolkien-inspired cross-stitch patterns. Grab your supplies for these wonderful journeys in cross-stitch, and maybe some lembas to help keep you sated during your adventures.

Posted by Jules Sherred

Eat More Books: Episode 13 Business Plan

Posted by Rick Chillot

Planet Quirk Holiday Gift Guide

Welcome to the annual Planet Quirk Holiday Gift Guide!

Yesterday, we posted our Gift Guide for Quirk DIY, which was chock full of cookbooks and craftbooks. The Planet Quirk Guide introduces you to all our geek flavored books. Fiction, gift books, art books, and more! Click away to learn more about them.

Interested in featuring one of these on your blog, for your holiday roundup? Email [email protected] with your requests! Happy Holidays!

Posted by Eric Smith

Boy Meets Literary World: Classic Books on the Classic Sitcom

Boy Meets World is one of the most beloved sitcoms from the 1990’s. Many of us grew up learning life lessons from Mr. Feeny and the rules of friendship from Cory and Shawn’s bromance. However, Boy Meets World also has many bookish lessons to share.

Posted by Maria Vicente

The Quirk D.I.Y. Holiday Gift Guide!

Welcome to the annual Quirk D.I.Y. Holiday Gift Guide!

Below, you'll see a number of picks from our quirk-tastic catalog. From cookbooks to craftbooks, apps to free eBooks, there's a little bit of something for everyone in here. Click away to learn more about the books!

Interested in featuring one of these on your blog, for your holiday roundup? Email [email protected] with your requests! Happy Holidays!

Posted by Eric Smith