Our Blog

Quirk Heads to C2E2: All Your Deep Dish Pizza Are Belong To Us (Also, A Giveaway!)

Convention season is upon us, Quirk fans. And we are psyched. We love heading to these events, and spending time with all of you! 

This month, we're heading off to C2E2 in Chicago from April 25th to April 27th. You'll be able to find me and Nicole De Jackmo at Booth #520, selling books, giving away swag, and dishing out high fives galore. 

Now, on to what we've got planned.

SWAG: Over the course of the convention, we'll be giving away plenty of fun Quirk totebags (for you to lug all your other swag around in, of course) and tons of posters, including posters for The Empire Striketh Back, The Jedi Doth Return, How to Make Your Cat an Internet Celebrity, and Nick & Tesla's High-Voltage Danger Lab

BOOKS: We're bringing plenty of our fan favorites, including signed copies of Ransom Riggs' Hollow City and Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children

SIGNINGS: On Saturday, April 26th, some guy named Eric Smith will be signing copies of The Geek's Guide to Dating at 2:30pm at our booth.

And on Sunday, April 27th, Ian Doescher will be signing William Shakespeare's Star Wars and The Empire Striketh Back at 2:45pm. He'll also be on a panel from 1:15pm to 2:15pm in room S403. 

Posted by Eric Smith

April Book Giveaways: The Empire Striketh Back, The Jedi Doth Return, World of Trouble, & More!

Another month, another bundle of giveaways!

This month, there are a lot of fun chances to win ARCs of books that aren't coming out until the Fall! This includes Nick & Tesla's Super Cyborg Gadget Glove by Science Bob and Steve Hockensmith, Horrorstor by Grady Hendrix, and William Shakespeare's The Jedi Doth Return by Ian Doescher! 

You can also wrangle up some signed copies of How to Succeed in Business Without Really Crying by Carol Leifer by How to Make Your Cat an Internet Celebrity by Patricia Carlin and Dustin Fenstermacher.

Finished copies of Tic-Tac-Tome by Willy Yonkers are also up for grabs. As always, if you're a blogger interested in scoring a copy of any of these, for your website, YouTube channel, whatever, feel free to shoot me an email at [email protected].

Posted by Eric Smith

Win a Copy of How To Succeed in Business Without Really Crying!

Here at Quirk, we like to laugh. As a publisher who takes a lot of joy in making people smile, comedy is important to us. So when comedy legend Carol Leifer's book found its way into our office… well, we just couldn't wait to publish it.

Now, How to Succeed in Business Without Really Crying is less than a week away, and we want to give you a chance to win a copy, as well as offer up some bits of wisdom from the book.

There are two ways to enter.

One, you can enter the Rafflecopter below by following us and Carol. Easy as that! We're giving away five books there.

Two, you can share some of the bits of wisdom here on Twitter. Tweet out one of these quote images with #HowtoSucceed and a link to the book's page (https://www.quirkbooks.com/howtosucceed). We'll pick five of you at random at the end of next week! And yes, you can enter multiple times. After all, we've got three images to share! The one up top, and the two right below.

Good luck! 

Posted by Eric Smith

April’s Quirk Perks: Night of the Living Trekkies for $3.99

NIGHT OF THE LIVING TREKKIES by Kevin David Anderson and Sam Stall ($3.99)


Posted by Eric Smith

April’s Quirk Perks: Cooking With Flowers for $3.99!

COOKING WITH FLOWERS by Miche Bacher ($3.99)


Posted by Eric Smith

Worst-Case Wednesday: How to stop a Runaway Golf Cart

(image via flickr)

You may think this does not apply to you if you are not a keen golfer, or if you have never driven a cart and don’t intend to, but you never know, one day you may find yourself in the driving seat of a cart which has suddenly become out of control. 

If you are a pedestrian, anywhere where they may be carts around, you may find yourself in the path of a runaway cart which is hurtling towards you. If you do, don’t worry, we can take tips from the Worst Case Scenario Survival Handbook: Golf, and apply this advice to situations both on and off the golf course.

Posted by Jade Gilmartin