Our Blog

How to be Awesome at Crying During a Movie

There are a few tear-jerkers set to come out in the near future (chief among them, the cinematic debut of John Green’s The Fault in Our Stars). Never fear, these simple steps will help you prepare mentally and strategically for tears and help keep your emotional outbursts as private as possible!

Posted by Margaret Dunham

Eat More Books, Episode 24: Switcheroo

Posted by Rick Chillot

Worst-Case Wednesday: How to Make Household Chores Fun

Bonus Tip: Find cute animals to help you out.

Now that the dark days of winter are gone, many people will set out to clear off some of the dark place in their homes. That’s right; we’re referring to the dreaded spring cleaning. While there are some who relish the opportunity to give their home a good scrubbing, many of us fear and loathe household chores.

But, thanks to The Complete Worst-Case Scenario Survival Handbook, we have some very important instructions on how to survive all the tasks on your to-do list, and maybe even have some fun while you’re at it (active imagination required for most of these).

Posted by Erin McInerney

How-to Tuesday: Literary Monkey Bread Variations

Photo via Gimme Some Oven
Monkey bread! You’d be bananas not to love it—oh yes, I went there. 
If you have opposable thumbs, you can make monkey bread. So why not make an extra-special batch (or three) and dedicate it to your favorite literary primate?
All you need are the basic 4 ingredients (biscuit dough, butter, sugar, and plastic bags), plus a couple add-ins to make your Bookish Monkey Bread.

Posted by Suzanne Wallace

Book Expo America 2014: Photos & Video!

It should come as no surprise that Book Expo America was, as always, a truly awesome time. We love that convention. Spending time with our friends in the publishing world, meeting bloggers, and hanging out with new fans… it's really hard not to have a blast. 

Posted by Eric Smith

June’s Quirk Perk: Old Man Drinks by Robert Schnakenberg for $3.99!

Old Man Drinks by Robert Schnakenberg: $3.99!

Amazon / Barnes & Noble / Kobo / iBookstore

Forget boring mojitos, put down that tired cosmopolitan, and stop sipping that ridiculous appletini! It’s time to embrace Old Man Drinks-the cocktails your grandfather would remember from his nights on the town, way back during the Eisenhower administration.

Posted by Eric Smith