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Literary Events in Philadelphia This Week: June 14th – June 21st

Summer’s almost here, but Philadelphia’s literary community is as busy now as ever. Before you go away for a months-long stretch of beach reading, check out some upcoming events:

Posted by Stephen Piccarella

Quirk’s Schedule for the Annual ALA in Las Vegas!

Sure, we're back from Book Expo America, but that doesn't mean we're getting comfortable here back in Philadelphia. Nope. Not a chance. There are things to do in Las Vegas, thank you very much. Like ALA
We're flying out to Las Vegas for the American Library Association's annual conference, and bringing a number of authors with us. We've got events, signings, giveaways, and more! You'll be able to wrangle up Jane Austen Cover to Cover posters, Kid Presidents posters and ARCs, and ARCs of Horrorstor
Check out the schedule below, and we'll see you there! 

Posted by Eric Smith

How to be Awesome at a Convention

Whether you're going to a comics, toy, anime, book, or Harry Potter convention, the presentation is generally the same: dealers room, panel areas, food court, and possibly an Artist Alley, among other things. Oh, and loads of people who are all into a lot of the same things you are, since you've all opted to go out of your way to attend this nerdy event. 
Whether it's your first con or your 20th, there are a few ground rules I think you should keep in mind to ensure that you and the people around you have a great experience.

Posted by Kristina Pino

From Toothless to Smaug to Maleficent: 10 of Our Favorite Dragons in Pop Culture

Daenerys’ roaring children, Benedict Cumberbatch’s Smaug, Toothless’ reappearance on the big screen: dragons are definitely in style this season! Fire-breathing, scaled, and generally-winged, dragons have been a big hit in myth and fiction for centuries. These days, they’re taking popular fiction and the big screen by storm. You can even check out this reference guide to compare the size of your favorite dragons! Here are 10 of the most beloved dragons in pop culture; which are your favorites?

Posted by Margaret Dunham

Pick Up Countdown City by Ben H. Winters for $3.99 All Month!

You guys, World of Trouble is coming. The final installment in Ben H. Winters' award-winning trilogy is almost here, and we want you to be ready.

So all month long, you can pick up Countdown City, the second novel in The Last Policeman trilogy, for only $3.99 on your eReader.


Get caught up! Maya is on her way! 

Posted by Eric Smith

Worst-Case Wednesday: What To Do If Your Golf Club Gets Stuck In A Tree

Father's Day is quickly approaching, and if we know any true stereotypes about dear old Dad, it's that he would prefer tee-time over tea-time. While he would sure appreciate a nice day out on the course, soaking in the sun and hopefully making a few balls into the holes, trouble does not shy away from a golf club. Potentially dangerous situations lurk behind every golf cart, but never fear! The Worst-Case Scenario Survival Handbook: Golf is here to save the day! For example. if Dad gets a little too into the game and ends up with his club stuck in a tree, here's what you do:

Posted by Marissa Stern