Our Blog

Eat More Books, Episode 25: Mythology

Posted by Rick Chillot

Ben H. Winters’ World of Trouble Book Tour!

Ben H. Winters is hitting the road and coming to a bookstore near you, on a book tour to promote World of Trouble, the final book in The Last Policeman trilogy. 

In addition to reading from the book, signing copies, and greeting fans, Ben is going to have some fun swag to dish out on tour. Including a special Hank Palace coffee blend. Seriously. It's from our World of Trouble pre-order campaign (have you pre-ordered yet?!) and he'll have a few bags on the road with him. 

Check out the dates below, and come say hi! 

Posted by Eric Smith

Worst-Case Wednesday: How to Escape From Killer Bees

Just looking at this is giving me hives. Get it?! Hives??

When a truck carrying up to 20 million bees (?!?!) overturned in Delaware last month, the news was all abuzz (sorry, I had to) and this week, a swarm of the buzzing pests had to be removed from the lanes of the Pennsylvania turnpike so drivers could pass through sting-free. Who knows where they will turn up next?

It sounds like a bad horror movie, but you can be prepared with the help of The Worst-Case Scenario Survival Handbook’ guide on How to Escape From Killer Bees.

Posted by Marissa Stern

How to Tuesday: How to Make a Library Safe DIY Beaded Thread Bookmark

Do you have trouble misplacing bookmarks?


Ever yearn for old-fashioned hardcover books with a ribbon or thread bookmark built right into the spine?

With this DIY you can add your own luxurious handmade bookmark to any hardcover book – even library books – without fearing the wrath of an angry librarian!

Posted by Margaret Dunham

The Ben H. Winters World of Trouble Blog Tour!

Alas, Quirk fans. It's that time. We're saying goodbye to Hank Palace as Ben H. Winters' trilogy comes to close with World of Trouble. But, we've been trying our best to send him out in style. There's the pre-order campaign, a reverse blog tour on Ben's personal blog, an upcoming book tour, and the official blog tour for the book.
Man, that's a lot of tours in that sentence. Sorry.
Below, you can check out the dates and stops for Ben's blog tour, which kicks off today on The Book Smugglers. Be sure to bookmark these blogs, and keep an eye out for the posts! 

Posted by Eric Smith

Meet Ian Doescher, author of The Jedi Doth Return! Book Tour 7/8—7/28

Friends, Wookiees, Star Wars fans—lend us your ears! To celebrate the release of The Jedi Doth Return, author Ian Doescher will be crisscrossing the country to meet, greet, and sign books. And he's probably coming to a town near you! Check out all the stops and details under the jump.

Posted by Blair Thornburgh