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What if Dogs Wrote Classic Novels?
The greatest things in the world are, in no particular order, dogs and books. Groucho Marx put it best: "outside of a dog, a book is man's best friend. Inside of a dog, it's too dark to read."
But what if you could multiply the best-frienditude and put adorable canines in literature?! Or, as Xzibit would say, "Yo dawg, we heard you like dogs, so we put dogs in your book so you can dog while you dog. Dogs!" Here are six brilliant reimaginings of pup-ular novels.
Posted by Blair Thornburgh
How-to Tuesday: A Roundup of DIY Bookish Crafts
Posted by Whitney Penn
Read like Rowling: Five Books that Influenced “Harry Potter”
Posted by Blair Thornburgh
Six (More) Authors Who Rock
People often take for granted that musicians who write their own songs are very much like authors, except they put their stories to music. It comes to no surprise then that many musicians have published books, whether it be poems, short stories, or novels. Here are six talented musicians who have found success in the world of literature as well!
Posted by Brian Morell
Literary Events in Philadelphia This Week: July 13th – July 20th
Posted by Stephen Piccarella
How to be Awesome at Binge-Watching a Television Series
Binge-watching a season of Game of Thrones? Yes please.
Bring your binge-watching to the next level. Follow these six steps to show that TV show who’s boss and make the most of your procrastination.
Posted by Maria Vicente