Our Blog
Ten Books To Hold You Over Until True Detective Comes Back
Posted by Adam Morgan
Five Beautiful Bookish Sculptures (Made with Real Books)
I hate to admit this, but books have a—pun intended—shelf life. Sometimes they are damaged by accident and sometimes they just don't stand up to the passage of time. However, there are some incredible artists out there who make old books beautiful again by using them as a medium for awesome sculptures. Here's a taste of what five of these super talented people have produced.
Posted by Gemma Noon
Ten Unusual and Amazing Libraries We’d Love To Visit
I have wonderful memories of hanging out at the library as a kid, I’d had access to the libraries on this list, it’s where I would have spent most my time.
Posted by Kristin Centorcelli
The Tannins of Wrath: Select Wines to Accompany Your Favorite Genres (and All Under $100)
Drinking wine, strangely enough, is very much like reading a book. While the average wine drinker may easily simplify a cabernet or a pinot as either “very good” or “absolutely terrible,” wine writers have the knack for reviewing wines in a similar fashion as would book critics. A wine may have a hard or soft finish, varied ingredients, and an overall taste that all contribute to what Poe may have called a Singular Fermentation. To assist your literary wine needs, I’ve conjured a wine for each of the most popular genres there are.
Posted by Alex Grover
How-To Tuesday: How to Survive Summer
Posted by Maria Vicente
Five Classic Children’s Books That Should Be Adapted by HBO
Posted by Maria Vicente