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Worst-Case Wednesday: How to Put Out a Grill Fire

Image by Pexels from Pixabay

Sometimes you want your burger well done. But too well done can become a problem when a fire erupts from the grill where you’re cooking your dinner. Barbecues are common in the summer, but accidents can happen. Here’s how you put out a grill fire, thanks to The Worst-Case Scenario Almanac: Great Outdoors.

Posted by Marissa Stern

How to Tuesday: Create Your Own Bookish Hoop Art

Hoop-ing up embroidery pieces is a great way to quickly and cheaply DIY wall art. There are so many directions to take hoop art, from the bold to the serene, that there's no way to go wrong. Here at Quirk we love words & books, so we took our inspiration from hand lettering to make our take on hoop art, but you can go with whatever floats your boat! 

– Fabric. For this particular project, you'll want a solid color or a small pattern. 
– Backing fabric. Plain white linen should do the job. 
– Embroidery needle
– Embroidery thread 
– Scissors 
– Embroidery hoop (or two) 
– Quilting marker (optional) 
– Pencil and Paper (optional)
– Pins (optional)
1. Decide on a quote– I went with a favorite from A Series of Unfortunate Events author Lemony Snicket (AKA Daniel Handler): "Never trust anyone who has not brought a good book with them." 

Posted by Whitney Penn

Fifteen Books for Fans of Haruki Murakami

I am an admitted addict of Haruki Murakami's work—if he's written it, I've read it, and possibly written a paper on it. The English translation of his latest novel, Colorless Tsukuru Tazaki and His Years of Pilgrimage, comes out this week. If you’re a crazed fan like me, someone who has enjoyed the odd work in the past, or you clicked on this link through pure happenstance: well, here's a list of what to read when you're finished.
If you like reading, and especially reading Murakami, then you’re in the right place. Murakami’s hard-to-pin-down style is often considered magical realism, and most of his fans are told repeatedly to read the (thoroughly brilliant) works of Marquez. But here are fifteen books you might not know about that you ought to check out while waiting for your next fix.

Posted by Maia Brown-Jackson

Nick & Tesla, Stuff Every American Should Know, Featured in Today’s Kindle Daily Deal

This week in “Awesome Books You Can Get for Your Kindle for a Really Good Deal” (ABYCGFYKFARGD for short), don’t miss your chance to grab some great titles, all for under $4.00! You really have no excuse.

Thanks to some sweet Kindle Daily Deals, you can pick up Stuff Every American Should Know for $1.99, and Nick and Tesla's Robot Army Rampage and Nick and Tesla's Secret Agent Gadget Battle, each for $3.99!

Whether you were wondering about how to make the perfect all-American apple pie, or what the science-y siblings were up to now, you can find out without breaking the bank.

Get reading!

Posted by Marissa Stern

Eat More Books, Episode 26: Bookstore Cats

Posted by Rick Chillot

eBook Deal: The Complete Worst-Case Scenario Handbook Only $2.99 All of August

Instead of your weekly Wednesday tip from our Worst-Case series, we've got an eBook deal for you!
The Complete Worst-Case Scenario Handbook has been selected for an eBook promotion lasting the entire month of August. All month long you can grab the eBook for only $2.99 across all major eBook retailers, including Amazon, iBooks, Barnes & Noble, Google Play, and Kobo. 
We've pooled together some links for you below. 
Pick it up! It's always good to be prepared for the worst. 

Posted by Eric Smith