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Banned Books Week: The Thanksgiving That Potter Trumped the Mashed Potatoes
Dear Nana,
Your grandchildren should thank you for many things, but there’s one that’s left quite an impact: instilling a love for magic. I’m referring to Harry Potter.
I can’t remember what we were doing or how the topic came up. I only remember your words, your facial expressions, and the dim light as I read in the corner. I remember After so vividly that Before is hazy. So for the sake of entertainment, allow me to embellish the story, to take some creative liberties.
About thirteen years ago, we were rolling out the crust for one of your delicious Thanksgiving pies when you asked me how school was going. I told you all about my class, my friends, Girl Scouts, and the latest American Girl book I was raving over. I was a reader – not as big as I am now, but definitely read more than my classmates. You smiled and asked if I’d read Harry Potter yet.
I was offended. “Ugh! No! Why would I want to read a book about a boy who goes to a magic school? It’s not even real!”
You stopped rolling out the crust and looked at me square in the eye. I’m still intimidated, even though I tower over you now. It’s that look you get when your grandchildren have crossed the line, and rather than dig a hole to try to get back on your good side, we attempt to stand as still as possible and wait for your calm, disappointed reprimand.
I turned bright red at that stare.
Posted by Laura Crockett
Banned Books Week: A YA Survival Kit To Get You Through Banned Books Week
Leaves are falling, pumpkins are plumping, and books are being banned. It must be fall. This year, if you’re going to survive Banned Books Week, I thought I’d provide you with ten essentials featured prominently in ten of the most challenged young adult novels. This way you can arm yourself with the knowledge, and items, that the parents in your community are protecting you from. Because as we all know, if you don’t read about taboo things in books, then of course, they will never affect you.
So get your flashlights, bottled water, and canned goods ready, then be sure to add the following items to your Banned Books Survival Kit.
Posted by Diana R. Wallach
Banned Books Week: A Week of Outfits Inspired By Banned Books
Posted by Kristy Pirone
Bookish Events in Philadelphia: September 20th – 26th
Gentle readers: get your smelling salts. Writers: hang on to your berets. This is a whirlwind of a week! And as always, remember this is but a gust of the exhilarating literary weather of Philadelphia, back in full force for fall.
Posted by Lillian Dunn
Lovecraft Middle School: The Slither Sisters Available as Kindle eBook Deal!
If you still haven't read Tales from Lovecraft Middle School: The Slither Sisters after today's eBook deal, we really have nothing to say to you.
Thanks to today's Kindle Daily Deal, you can snag a copy for only $3.99! So why don't you slither over to Amazon and get yourself a copy?
See what I did there? Eh? Slither?
Posted by Basia Padlo
Celebrate Read an eBook Day With Our Free eBook Samplers!
Did you know that today is Read an eBook Day? It is! True story! Just check out this website!
Over the past few years, Quirk has released a handful of free eBooks, featuring tons of stuff from our books. Recipes, crafts, excerpts, essays… you name it, we've tossed in a lot of free stuff into these beautifully designed (great work Andie!) free eBooks.
There are some links to download them below. Go ahead, they're free. Happy Read an eBook Day!
Quirk Books Throws You Five Awesome Parties
Posted by Eric Smith