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Beyond The Walking Dead: Some Of My Favorite Terrifying Comics & Graphic Novels
For those who scoff: “A comic book could never scare me!” – there’s something about the way good writers and illustrators use the space on the page and in the frames that can make comics and graphic novels absolutely chilling. It’s the anticipation, the quietness, the occasional first-person perspective.
It’s the way your mind fills in the blanks, maybe by adding sound – the click of heels on an empty, dark street, the sound of something crawling across the attic floor – or allowing one scene to bleed into another.
Since Halloween is right around the corner, what better time to test your mettle than with these classic horror comics and graphic novels?
Posted by Carrie Jo Tucker
Scary Weekend Reading: Excerpts from Suburban Legends
Chances are, if you're a Quirk fan, you enjoy a good scary story. I mean, here at the Quirk HQ, we publish our fair share of them. The Pride & Prejudice & Zombies series, The Resurrectionist, Horrorstor, Bedbugs, Stuff Every College Student Should Know… the list goes on.
Last October, we released an eBook exclusive reprint (ePrint?) of Suburban Legends by Sam Stall. A collection of creepy TRUE short stories of horror in the suburbs, it was a fun book to work on. And to promote it, we posted a number of excerpts on our Scribd page.
Since Halloween is quickly approaching, I figured we should give these to you guys once again. So here you go, four true stories of horror from the suburbs.
Suburban Legends: Roadside Assistance
Suburban Legends: The Prime Time Poltergeiest
Suburban Legends: The Goatman Cometh
Suburban Legends: Guess What's Coming To Dinner?
Posted by Eric Smith
Wilhelm Staehle’s Hugs & Misses, Stars & Swipes: Bloggers, Request Your Review Copies!
Next month, we've got two very fancy books coming out, illustrated and written by Wilhelm Staehle. Stars & Swipes (pictured above) and Hugs & Misses.
Some of you might know Wilhelm from his hilarious silhouette-webcomic Silhouette Masterpiece Theater. Others might recognize his name as the alter ego for an incredibly talented book designer in New York, who has worked on covers for folks like Michael Chabon, MIchael Crichton, and many, many more. However you know the guy, we are excited to be publishing his postcard books, which collect some of his best and wittiest cutouts.
And we'd like to get these postcard books into your hands, reviewers! You can learn more about the books over on Staehle's awesome website, and of course, here on Quirk via these pages: Stars & Swipes, Hugs & Misses.
Want to request the postcard books to review on your blog? Email me at [email protected]! And check out a few more samples from the books, below!
Posted by Eric Smith
How to Dress Up as Olive From Miss Peregrine’s Home for Peculiar Children
Posted by Heidi Milano
How to Be Awesome At Reading a Horror Novel
Photo via Story World Central
In October, everyone—even those of you who aren’t horror fans—is tempted to read a creepy novel. Here are five steps to follow when reading a scary story. You’ll be terrified in no time.
Posted by Maria Vicente
Books That Go Bump in the Night: Creepy YA Gothic Reads
Posted by Laura Crockett