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How-to Tuesday: Simple Ways to Hello Kitty Your Everyday Life
Projects from Hello Kitty Crochet
Hello Kitty is the probably one of the most famous kitties and the most ubiquitous kitty in our lives, appearing in various forms from pots to instant ramen. Yet, how ingrained is she in your personal life? Do you have anything Hello Kitty related? I mean, we do, what with our Hello Kitty Baking Book and Crochet book that came out last month. If not, here’s our guide to Hello Kitty-fy your own daily routine.
Breakfast: There’s no better way to start off your day with a serving of pancakes so why not make Hello Kitty pancakes? You can either draw your Hello Kitty pancakes using a squeeze bottle filled with pancake batter or use a metal Hello Kitty cookie cutter as a mold to shape your pancakes.
Posted by Jessica Yang
Celebrating Young Readers Week With Books & Pizza
November 10-14 is National Young Readers Week, an annual event to encourage children to read! It was co-founded by the Center for the Book in the Library of Congress and Pizza Hut! I think there is no greater incentive for anything than pizza, but the program also gets celebrities, both national and local, to read to children in order to reinforce the positive example of reading.
But back to pizza! Here are some events you can hold during National Young Readers Week to encourage young readers everywhere!
Posted by Brian Morell
Quirk Books Nominated in This Year’s Goodreads Choice Awards: Update, Now With 100% More Horrorstor
Update: Horrorstor has been added in the semi-final round! Thanks for voting it in, everyone!
Ah, the Goodreads Choice Awards. I don't know about you guys, but I get pretty psyched for them every single year. I knew they would be opening up this morning, and I had a hard time sleeping, waking up and checking Twitter to see if they had gone live.
This year, Quirk has three FOUR titles nominated in the Goodreads Choice Awards, and we are absolutely thrilled.
HORRORSTOR by Grady Hendrix is nominated in Best Horror of 2014.
WORLD OF TROUBLE by Ben H. Winters is nominated in Best Science Fiction of 2014.
WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE'S THE EMPIRE STRIKETH BACK by Ian Doescher is nominated in Best Humor of 2014.
HOLLOW CITY by Ransom Riggs is nominated in Best Young Adult Fantasy & Science Fiction of 2014.
Go cast your votes! And congrats to Ben, Ransom, Grady, and Ian!
Posted by Eric Smith
Bookish Events in Philadelphia: November 7th – 13th
Posted by Hannah McDonald
Kindle Monthly Deal Alert: Zombies, Insults, Jokes, & Secrets!
You know how our monthly deals usually have something to do with one another? Well, not this time! This month, we're throwing everyone for a loop—including ourselves! Are you ready for this crazy roundoup of deals? You'd better sit down, just in case.
This month, Pride & Prejudice & Zombies: Dawn of the Dreadfuls, Insults Every Many Should Know, Quotes Every Man Should Know, and Secret Lives of Great Composers are all $2.99! So you can…distract the zombies with your insults, quotes, or knowledge of composers; they'll be so confused, it'll be easy to chop their heads off! Or you could just tell them about this collection of books. That should confuse them, too.
Posted by Basia Padlo
NaNoSloMo: A List of the Five Most Sluggish Writers Ever to Quicken Your Writing
November, mostly known to Americans as That Time When the Family Gets Together at the End of the Month to Awkwardly Eat Lots of Food Revolving around a Mythical (and Most Likely Inaccurate) Meeting of Two Cultures, is also a season for writers. Yes, you're correct: along with raising awareness for not shaving, banana pudding lovers, and sweet potatoes, November is National Novel Writing Month.
Interested in writing a 50,000-word novel and you're intimidated by the time limit? You're not alone. Thousands will join you in the pursuit and feel as though their fingers cannot chitter-chatter at the keyboard quickly enough. It's nerve rending.
Unless, of course, you regard those writers among us that take a helluva long time on their work. With your permission, I'm going to explore some of the leisureliest (yep, that's a word) writers that decided to grace the page, either by pen or typing contraption.
Let's begin. Permission granted?
Posted by Alex Grover