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Fabulous Fan Films Inspired by Comic Books
There are so many of us who are fans. Whether you are a fan of a sports team, director, author or radio personality, you want to see the very best of what they have to offer. This goes for comic book fans as well. In recent years, comic book movies have owned the box office. There has never been a greater time to be a comics fan.
However, there is nothing worse than going out to see the film adaptation of one of your favorite comics only to find that it is a huge disappointment, or watching the property linger in development hell.
What with the epically dark Power Rangers fan film circulating around the Internet lately (which sadly just got pulled), I thought I'd round up some of the great comic book fan films. Because there are a lot of them. While they may not have the production value of a major studio, fan films can truly the best interpretation of their characters ever.
Posted by David Winnick
Ten Grammatical Terms That Totally Sound Like Band Names
Naming a band isn’t easy, but luckily you can find inspiration in all sorts of unlikely places. Here at Quirk, we’ve come up with ten possible bands with grammatically inspired names and imagined some of their hit songs.
Posted by Jennifer Morell
10 Literary Social Media Accounts for Bookish People to Follow
Are you an avid social media user but you’re getting a little sick of seeing the same cat memes over and over in your Tumblr feed? You don't really care anymore about the politically incorrect tweets from that guy you haven’t even seen in two years?
Well you’ve come to the right place! The following is a list of 10 social media accounts to spice up your feed if you’re book-minded or just need something new.
Posted by Maya Merberg
Worst-Case Wednesday: How to Rid a Bedroom of Monsters
Is it your kid who is scared of monsters under the bed, or is it you? Okay, sorry for asking. It's totally your kid (*wink*).
Follow these steps from The Worst-Case Scenario Survival Handbook: Parenting to get rid of those no-good monsters once and for all.
Posted by Christina Schillaci
Top 10 Tuesday: 10 Favorite Fictional Heroines
Quirk Books is linking up with The Broke and the Bookish for Top 10 Tuesday! This week we’re sharing our favorite fictional heroines… the kick-butt female types, not the drug. The internet told me that a heroine is “the principal female character in a story, play, film, etc.” That wasn’t good enough for me, so I searched online a little deeper (I just clicked the next link, but no one really needs to know that) and found a much better definition: “a woman of distinguished courage or ability, admired for her brave deeds and noble qualities.” Yes. That sounds good.
Posted by Maria Vicente
How-To Tuesday: Vanilla-Bean Meringue Kisses
Here's an excerpt from Pure Vanilla: Irresistible Recipes and Essential Techniques by Shauna Sever! You can find this excerpt for free in our sampler, and you can download it here.
Meringue nears the top of our list of Best Foods on the Entire Planet. It's so beautiful and delicious in its simplicity and serves as a backdrop for so many different flavors and add-ins. But, as purists, we find its angelic texture and melting sweetness ideal for showcasing pure vanilla flavor. It's a delicious treat that your darling will love.
Posted by Christina Schillaci