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Decor for the Ultimate Literary Dorm Room

College is a remarkable time to be a bookworm. You're living independently for the first time and establishing your preferred methods self-expression—be it the literary magazine, an a capella group that does nothing but Taylor Swift mash-ups, or the LARPing group that meets in the quad every Friday. And if you're an English major, get ready to acquire more volumes of 18th and 19th Century Poetry than you ever cared to own. So after you hug your acceptance letter and get your room assignment, the next step is to decorate your side of the room in a way that really shows off your bookish personality. And we at Quirk are more than happy to get you started with these awesome finds: 

Posted by Jamie Canaves

A Magical Playlist for Harry Potter, The Boy Who Lived

Harry James Potter is one of fiction’s most beloved wizards. Over the course of JK Rowling’s blockbuster series, we follow him as he transforms from neglected orphan to lauded hero. While honing his wizarding skills, he’s not only burdened with saving the world from great evil (no pressure), but must also deal with the emotional ups and downs of growing up. Harry can be vulnerable, impulsive, and temperamental, but ultimately his integrity and bravery trumps all. His playlist reflects this emotional roller coaster, as well as the thread of magic that runs through his life. 

Posted by Margarita Montimore

5 Comic Book Series Too Cool for High School

High School. Some say it's the best time of your life. Others might laugh in your face if you say that out loud. Regardless of where you stand, it's a seminal time that pop culture can't get enough of. So this back-to-school season, we’ve compiled some of our favorite comic book series set in high school (and okay, one is set in college) to get you into the school spirit just in time for the beginning of the semester!

Posted by Katie Schenkel

The Many Book Adaptations of Anne Hathaway

Anne Hathaway is a celebrity that has a serious addiction. No, not smoking, she kicked that one a long time ago. She cannot get enough of movies that are based on books. But not just any kind of book adaptations. She has a penchant for characters that undergo a makeover (or, in one case, a makeunder). Here's a list of book-to-film adaptations where she makes a dramatic physical transformation (and one where she should have).

Posted by Sarah Fox

Books to Read While Your TV Show’s on Hiatus

Have you been finding yourself talking about your favorite TV characters like they’re your long distance friends? Obsessively checking to see when your favorite show comes back hoping time might have sped up? Yeah, us too. It’s that time of year when premieres are close enough for gossip and set photos to be leaked, BUT they’re still months from airing.  Since we don’t want to lose our marbles anymore than you do, we’ve created a list of books to read while you wait.

Posted by Jamie Canaves

Camp Plot-a-Wanna: Color War!


CAMP PLOT-A-WANNA is a weekly 8-part series where Quirk Books staffers reimagine famous authors as pre-teens, stuck together at summer camp. Check out the rest of the posts here. It is also an entirely fictional place. Please don't have your parents drop you off at our offices with sleeping bags.

To: Camp Plot-A-Wanna Senior Counselors
From: Counselor Sappho

Come now, luxuriant Graces and beautiful-haired Muses.

As you know, this week at Camp Plot-a-Wanna, it was a war of the wits and words as campers went head to head in our traditional COLOR WAR. As the staff amanuensis, I have taken it upon myself to remit this record of Team Scarlet Letter vs. Team Black Beauty as they faced each other for glory, honor, and extra dessert at the dining hall! 

Let the games BEGIN!

Posted by Quirk Books Staff