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How to Solve Your Austen & Bronte-Style Relationship Problems

Marianne, NO! He's just a handsome, young, strapping jerk.

Every relationship has trouble. Period. Even the happiest, loving, most meant-to-be pairings have obstacles and tribulations try them.

But if every relationship has challenges, how can you tell if you’re trapped in a hopeless affair? Embroiled in secret engagements? Being seduced for your fortune or ignored by a man/woman who loves you? Let’s keep an eye out for some of the biggest Regency Era love story SNAFUs:

Posted by Margaret Dunham

How-To Tuesday: #TreatYoShelf with TBR Bookends

Treat yo' shelf with quick and easy one-of-a-kind bookends. Use this technique to convert any number of everyday objects – painted flowerpots, wide mugs, small vases – into a treasure for your bookcase. 

Posted by Margaret Dunham

Quirk Corral: TaunTaun Cookies and Nonexistent Cheeses

Here at Quirk we’ve rounded up some of the best bookish, geeky, and crafty links of last week to make your Monday a little brighter. Whether you desperately needed a recipe for TaunTaun cookies or were looking for some desert island book picks, we’ve got you covered.

Posted by Jennifer Morell

#TreatYoShelf To The Nerdiest Bookends

If you're a book lover, your shelves probably bear a heavy burden day in and day out. After all the work your bookshelves put into staying intact and not collapsing, shouldn't it deserve some nice things? We’ve scoured the Internet to find these delightfully geeky bookends to help you treat yo' shelf.

Posted by Margaret Dunham

A Playlist for Sherlock Holmes

Sherlock Holmes is literature and pop culture’s most iconic sleuth. He’s clever, intuitive, quirky, and yes, arrogant. Sherlock isn’t afraid to break rules or social conventions, but his fierce logic always wins out and solves the mystery. And since he plays the violin, we know he enjoys music. We put together a perfect playlist a modern day sherlock would enjoy while solving crimes in the shadows of London. 

Posted by Margarita Montimore

Quirk Perks: Four Terror-ific Beach Reads

Take your summer reading to darker territories with the following titles, now 60% off on Nook until 8/10/2015!


Posted by Julie Leung