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So You Think You Can Turn Pop Songs into Shakespearean Sonnets?
What a long, strange trip it’s been.
Normally I’d turn that lyric into a line of iambic pentameter. Today, I think it’s fine the way it is. With a few short words, the Grateful Dead pretty much summed up my last two years or so — from the first moments of rewriting a Carly Rae Jepsen song as Shakespeare to putting the finishing touches on the book. The entire process has been extraordinary in both senses of the word: wonderful and kinda far out, man. It’s also been educational. At the outset, I didn’t know “thee” from “thou,” or when a word like “make” should become “makest.” But there are less obvious things I’ve picked up while translating pop songs into sonnets — things I can’t pass on in the sonnets themselves. Here are some of the more entertaining ones:
Posted by Erik Didriksen
Quick Corral: Constellation Quilts & Banned Books
The bad news is that it’s Monday again. The good news is that we’ve rounded up some of the best bookish, geeky, and crafty links of the last week to help get you through your day. Whether you are looking for some sweet Harry Potter artwork, or obsessing over predictions for the new season of The Walking Dead, there’s sure to be something here to make your Monday a little brighter.
Posted by Jennifer Morell
Hermione’s Muggle Book Recommendations for Wizarding Students
Hermione reads, a lot. At Hogwarts, she devours magical books on the daily. We have to wonder, though, what Hermione read before she discovered she was a witch. More importantly, did she continue reading the works of Muggle authors after she became a student at Hogwarts? If so, we have to believe she opened the eyes of her fellow students—to some extracurricular reading material.
Here are some of Hermione’s book recommendations to the purest of Hogwarts’ students.
Posted by Christina Schillaci
A Delicious Potato Recipe Round-up Inspired By The Martian
Dust off those spacesuits, it’s time blast off in your own personal spaceship to see The Martian. We all know that Mark Watney is the greatest botanist on Mars. Okay, so he's also the only botanist on Mars, but does that really make it less impressive? If you’re a true Martian fan you know what Astronaut Watney is growing in his crew’s abandoned habitat (that’s Hab for those in the know): Potatoes. Kilograms and kilograms of potatoes.
To celebrate the movie’s theatrical landing, here are four delicious potato recipes guaranteed to impress your inner Astronaut Watney.
Posted by Danielle Mohlman