Our Blog
How To Make Our Favorite Lembas Bread, Plus Dips!
Lembas bread is a well-kept secret of the elves, and if Legolas is to be believed, "one small bite is enough to fill the stomach of a grown man." While we can't guarantee the exact same dietary satisfaction, we can say this is one tasty lembas bread recipe that goes with everything and is easy to make. Sure to be a hit at your next Middle Earth-inspired celebration!
Posted by Marsha Auguste
The Pumpkin Spice Latte Drinkers of Literature
Attention, pumpkin spice latte lovers! Our season is upon us. Let us be merry and order as many PSLs as possible before they’re gone. And they’re better this year, what with the new Starbucks recipe and all. So whether you order the occasional tall pumpkin spice or reach basic status with a daily venti, wear the title proud. Shout it from the rooftops. PUMPKIN SPICE LATTES FOREVER!
And hey, if we love them so much, we have to suspect some our literary counterparts would love the latte, as well.
Posted by Christina Schillaci
A Playlist for Alice in Wonderland
Lewis Carroll’s fair-haired heroine is not your typical seven-year-old. She’s polite, precocious, quick to show off her knowledge. She’s well-mannered, though put off when others aren’t. Last and perhaps most importantly, she’s wildly curious, which serves her well on her surreal and psychedelic explorations in Wonderland. Here’s the thing: Carroll’s stories may be for children, but they are also quite dark and strange, and any playlist worthy of Alice Liddell must reflect that. So press Play and join us on a musical adventure for Alice.
Posted by Margarita Montimore
All Treats, No Tricks: October Kindle Deals from Quirk!
In October's batch of Kindle Quirk Perks, we're all treats and no tricks. Each of these spooktastic reads are only $3.99 each on your Kindle! Click below for the links or scroll down to learn more about each cookbook!
100 Ghosts: A Gallery of Harmless Haunts
Suburban Legends: True Tales of Murder, Mayhem, and Minivans
Posted by Julie Leung
Sesame Street’s Best Literary Adaptations: A Retrospective
This retrospective has been brought to you by the letter A for Awesome. Here's a look at the many awesome literary adaptations Sesame Street has gifted the world. Let's count them shall we? 1…2…3…Ah-ah-ah-ah!
Posted by Sarah Fox
The Regrettable Superhero Name Generator
New York Comic Con is here, and there’s no better time to get your superhero alter-ego squared away. Use our custom-made name generator to find your own (slightly wacky) secret identity!
Inspired by the unusual, odd-ball, and downright funny characters of The League of Regrettable Superheroes, these names should get you started creating your own heroic backstory and sense of vigilante justice.*
Determine your superhero name with nothing but your birthday!
Posted by Margaret Dunham