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Quirk Corral: Now & Later Pop Tarts and Spooky Mixtapes
(Image Credit: Cakespy)
The bad news is that it’s Monday again. The good news? We’ve scoured the internet for the week’s finest links so you don’t have to. Whether you are looking for some sweet new coloring pages or a mixtape that perfectly captures the late October vibe, we’re sure to have something to help make your day a little brighter.
Posted by Jennifer Morell
5 Classic Books Reinterpreted as Horror Novels
Halloween always puts Quirk HQ in a more ghoulish mood that usual. Perhaps that's why we've taken it upon ourselves to reimagine some classic novels in a horror-ific fashion. Hit us up with any of your own contributions on Twitter, and you might just see it illustrated!
Posted by Quirk Books Staff
A Playlist for Lisbeth Salander
She’s creepy and she’s spooky, and what she does to evil men is altogether ooky, making Lisbeth Salander one heck of a memorable character. This girl is more than her tattoos (dragon or otherwise), piercings, and goth wardrobe. She lives a dark, intense life and her playlist reflects that. Brace your eardrums, because it’s going to get loud.
“Firestarter” – The Prodigy
A perfect song for the girl who played with fire. Sent to a psychiatric hospital at twelve for a violent act involving a Molotov cocktail against a man who was brutally abusive to her mother, she’s clearly not afraid to take extreme measures when fighting for something she believes in:
“I'm the trouble starter, punkin' instigator.
I'm the fear addicted, danger illustrated.
I'm a firestarter, twisted firestarter.”
"Thrown Away" – VAST
Lisbeth has spent much of her life surrounded by people who view her as insane and worthless. While she rarely (if ever) shows her vulnerability, she’s certainly able to identify with the isolation, despair and simmering rage of a song like this:
“So let me in
Because I'm out
I know that I am someone
No one said I was”
"Every Day Is Halloween" – Ministry
Anybody who’s ever had a goth phase will closely relate to this song, particularly our favorite black-clad Swedish computer hacker. The lyrics speak for themselves:
“Well any time, any place, anywhere that I go
all the people seem to stop and stare
they say 'Why are you dressed like it's Halloween?
you look so absurd, you look so obscene'
Oh, why can't I live a life for me?
Why should I take the abuse that's served?
Why can't they see they're just like me
It's the same, it's the same in the whole wide world”
"Assimilate" – Skinny Puppy
The cold, electronic heart and furious lungs of industrial music make it a perfect genre for Lisbeth to embrace. And she can easily get lost in the dark, chaotic lyrics of a song like this:
“crazy world of weary thought so receive me had enough
lock me up lock me up
rot and assimilate so hot to annihilate”
"March of the Pigs" – Nine Inch Nails
Salander is obviously a Nine Inch Nails fan, particularly of the earlier stuff when Trent Reznor was working through anger issues (she can relate). She is sure to find this track particularly cathartic:
“all the pigs are all lined up
I give you all that you want
take the skin and peel it back
now doesn't that make you feel better?”
"The Great Shipwreck of Life" – IAMX
Take a bit of nihilism, set it to a catchy electro melody and insistent beat, and you’ve got a song Lisbeth will groove to:
“To the great and the petrified
We all fall down
To the slaves and the civilized
We all fall down”
"Boys Who Rape (Should All Be Destroyed)" – The Raveonettes
There’s no mistaking the meaning of this song from its bold title. Considering the severely brutal methods Lisbeth has used to punish her own attackers, this is a track she has in heavy rotation. Bonus points that the band are her Scandinavian neighbors, (the duo hails from Denmark):
“They rip you to shreds
Make you feel useless
You'll never forget”
"Burn My Shadow" – UNKLE
Her music tastes may lean toward the dark and disturbing side of the radio dial, but she can still appreciate a good tune about overcoming adversity:
“I faced my destroyer
I was ambushed by a lie
And you judged me once for falling
This wounded heart will rise”
"Under Attack" – ABBA
Everyone is entitled to their guilty pleasures and Lisbeth is no different. Odds are she’s a fan of this chirpy foursome from her native Sweden. While this song is about being pursued by an admirer, it’s easy to imagine her giving the lyrics a much more literal interpretation:
“Under attack, I'm being taken
About to crack, defenses breaking
Won't somebody please have a heart
Come and rescue now 'cause I'm falling apart”
Posted by Margarita Montimore
The Shadiest of the Shady Organizations in Literature & Pop Culture
ABC’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. is in full swing with season three, and we at Quirk can't help but notice how much shady business Coulsen and Co. have to deal with. So just for funsies, here's a list of the five most shady organizations in literature and pop culture.
Posted by E.H. Kern
What’s in Jane the Virgin’s Diaper Bag?
In anticipation of what this season of Jane the Virgin might bring—Will [REDACTED] marriage be annulled? Will [REDACTED] and [REDACTED] ever get back together?—we’ve decided to keep our blood pressure down and focus on something like Jane’s diaper bag. As in what will the new mama be carrying in it?
Posted by Jamie Canaves
DIY Harry Potter Halloween Lantern How-To
Halloween decorations don't have to mean store-bought candles and cobwebs! Quirk gets crafty and shows you how to make wondefully spooky mason jars that will help any home feel the Halloween spirit.
Posted by Jamie Canaves