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The Many Literary Roles of Chloe Moretz

Photo by Nathan Engel from Pexels

Chloë Moretz starring in The 5th Wave, based on the Rick Yancey novel, made us realize we haven’t done a round-up of her bookish movies and we needed to get on that STAT! Here we have a super talented and lovely woman who kicked her way into our hearts in the unforgettable role of Hit-Girl and already has, according to IMDb, 57 acting credits!

That’s a lot of work to have under her eighteen-year-old belt and a surprisingly huge amount of literary roles.

Posted by Jamie Canaves

Quirk Corral: Golden DIY Projects and A Tribute to Alan Rickman

Here at Quirk we’ve spent the past week scouring the internet for the best bookish, geeky, and crafty links. Whether you are looking for lessons on how to draw Darth Vader or a history of book illustrations, we’re sure to have something to make your day a little brighter.

Posted by Jennifer Morell

Literary Board Games: Twister


Twister: the game for the whole family that has been awkwardly twisting bodies, spraining ankles, and bumping heads since 1966. Which means, if we did our math correctly, it’ll be celebrating 50th anniversary this year. In honor of this huge birthday, we’re celebrating by giving it not one, but TWO book-inspired editions. So put on your favorite socks, stretch those muscles, and spin. 

Posted by Jamie Canaves

Literary Looks: Bookish Socks

With the popularity of our leggings post and our need for bookish socks, we realized we had to do a bookish socks round-up. We have a need for socks!

He gets us. And these socks get us!

Posted by Jamie Canaves

The Best and Worst Characters To Get Snowed-In With

People say that your happiness is determined by the people with whom you surround yourself, and that is especially true in a snowstorm. While we have yet to see snow around here in the mid-Atlantic, it's always good to be prepared. Here is our list of the best and worst characters to be snowed in with, so you know what to do when you see the first snowflakes. 

Posted by Sarah Fox

The Top Midnight Moments in Pop Culture

Ah, the strike of midnight. Whether you offer us the promise of a new year with a fresh start or were the curfew set by our parents in high school, you always have a way of marking our lives. We are not the only ones under your influence; many characters in pop culture care about your chimes.

Posted by Sarah Fox