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2016’s Grammy-Nominated Songs We Dedicated to Book Characters

The Grammys are coming to a TV set near you on February 15th, 2016 and we thought it would be fun to recommend each nominated song to a character, or pair of characters, from some of our favorite books (past and present).

Posted by Jessica Tuckerman

7 Comic Book Movies Waiting In The Wings

It wasn’t long ago that the Deadpool movie was D.O.A. After a horrible adaptation of the character in X-Men Origins: Wolverine, it seemed that Fox films had given up on the idea of utilizing Deadpool in another film ever again. Fortunately for the world at large, director Tim Miller and the fans never gave up on the merc with a mouth.

After leaked test footage for a Deadpool movie hit the web last year, a frenzy broke out and Fox could no longer ignore the powerful mutant they had allowed to languish in their property backlog. A film was pushed into production starring the original actor who brought Wade Wilson to life in all his glory, Ryan Reynolds. With all of this in mind, we at Quirk are wondering, who's next after Deadpool? 

Posted by David Winnick

Famous Minds On Love’s Greatest Questions

Image Credit: Krislyn Dillard

When it comes to matters of the heart, there is no right or wrong answer, only answers. Here's what the most famous authors and thinkers have had to say about love's greatest questions.  

Posted by Maia Brown-Jackson

Famous Minds On Love’s Greatest Questions

Image Credit: Krislyn Dillard

When it comes to matters of the heart, there is no right or wrong answer, only answers. Here's what the most famous authors and thinkers have had to say about love's greatest questions.  

Posted by Maia Brown-Jackson

Reading Recommendations for Deadpool

We at Quirk Books care about Deadpool's literary tastes. He might not be the most self-centered but he does like to see himself in what he reads. Off-center moral compass? Dancing along the fourth wall? Brilliant, meta, snarky, and never boring? That sounds about right.

If you’re feeling a little irreverent, a little violent, and just keep expecting life to keep kicking your ass, you might need some Deadpool distraction. His top seven reads right now…

Posted by Maia Brown-Jackson

Bookish Valentine’s Day Bookmarks To Share

We at Quirk Books love to share! So for Valentine’s Day we’re sharing bookmarks inspired by the best friend charm necklaces of decades past. Just print, cut down the middle, and there’s one for you and one for your chosen recipient. (Or keep both, we won’t tell.)

Posted by Jamie Canaves