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Relationship Texts from Literary Heroines

In the grand tradition of reinterpreting classic literary situations with modern day technologies, Quirk author and blogger Alyssa Favreau imagines what might have happened if some of literature's heroines just had a good friend to text.

Posted by Alyssa Favreau

Quirk Corral: Macramé Mario and Celebrating the Glue Gun

(Image via Makezine)

A new week means it’s time to harvest the best bookish, geeky, and crafty links that the internet has produced. Be amazed at gorgeous paintings on an unusual medium. Try your hand at some Super Mario macramé. Sob uncontrollably at a Wicked reunion. But most importantly, make sure to have the best week ever!

Posted by Jennifer Morell

5 Asian & Asian-American Sci-Fi/Fantasy Authors You Should Know


For Asian/Pacific American Heritage Month, here’s a list of Asian and Asian American speculative fiction writers whose books belong on the top of your TBR.

Posted by Sandra Woolf

5 Books to Get You in the Mood for Summer

Shed those layers, book fiends. Warmer months are up ahead. Here at Quirk, we’ve compiled a list of books to help ease you into summer. 

Posted by Christina Schillaci

A Reading List for World Goth Day

It used to be easy to read as a Goth. Find a classic piece of creepy literature by Mary Shelley, Bram Stoker or H.P Lovecraft and you were golden. The options have gotten much more interesting than that over the last few decades. We at Quirk are providing a look at some of the modern masterpieces of dark fiction which should be carried around in the backpacks of all Goths in schools across the United States.

Posted by David Winnick

Sherlock’s Guide to Deduction – An Infographic

Actually, this coming Sunday is Arthur Conan Doyle's birthday. But it's a good day to remember his famous creation. One reason the consulting detective remains popular in the 21st century is that his approach to crime-solving was ahead of its time. Here's a review.

Posted by Quirk Books Staff