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Best Literary References in the Mass Effect Series
[Developed by BioWare and published by Electronic Arts]
If you’re at all plugged into the video game world, you probably know that the next installment in the Mass Effect series, Mass Effect: Andromeda, is finally coming out today, March 21st. We can’t be more excited – what’s better than the next chapter in a gorgeously-written space opera? (Seriously, the plotting and dialogue is so good that some of us still aren’t over the emotional arrow to the knee that was Mass Effect 3…) But even better for us bookworms, the writers and developers at Bioware like to toss the occasional literary send-up into the games’ settings, lore, and witty wordplay. In celebration of Mass Effect: Andromeda, here are some of our favorite references from games 1-3.
Posted by Elizabeth Ballou
Abducted: Planets We’d Be Okay Visiting
[Movie still from The Little Prince, ON Animation Studios]
Happy Alien Abduction Day! While we’re not exactly psyched to get pulled away from Earth by strange creatures, we do have some planets we wouldn’t mind seeing. We’ve listed the ones worthy of a tour below.
Posted by Sarah Fox
Books for Those Last Moments of Winter
Photo by Adam Chang on Unsplash.
It’s the March Equinox and we have been anxiously awaiting these first days of spring. But even amidst all the sunshine and gorgeous weather, there’s still a small part of us that’s going to miss winter. Goodbye sweaters! Goodbye hot tea at the end of a long cold day! To make the transition a little easier, here are four wonderful books to help us hold onto the last moments of winter.
Posted by Danielle Mohlman
Harry Potter: How Would Hogwarts Celebrate St. Paddy’s Day?
[Movie still from Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, Warner Bros.]
Brace yourselves for drunk strangers in novelty hats talking about their ‘Irish heritage’, because it’s St. Patrick’s Day once more! This Irish holiday has its roots in a saint who brought Christianity to Ireland (according to the tales), but it’s devolved into a great excuse for a mid-March party across the Western world.
Posted by Rose Moore
St. Patrick Contemplates Driving Out The Snakes
Legend has it that, in the latter half of the 5th Century, St. Patrick drove all of the snakes out of Ireland. We can only imagine such a massive undertaking required the consultation of Patrick’s best friend first.
Patrick: I can't stand these snakes, Liam.
Liam: Ho, now, Patrick. You're just a little cranky because you've been fasting for a couple of weeks.
Posted by Jadzia Axelrod
Geeky Beauty and the Beast
[Movie still from Beauty and the Beast (2017), Walt Disney Pictures]
We all know that Beauty and the Beast is a tale as old as time – but it doesn’t have to stay that way. What if we put a geeky spin on this classic tale of love? Let’s move away from the past and look into the future. Why, a love this historic could be…out of this world! That’s right, folks, we’re talking Beauty and the Beast in space!
Posted by Sandra Woolf