Our Blog
What If Robert Frost Wrote About Food?
[Image by Dominic Alberts from Pixabay]
The Roll Not Buttered
Two rolls were left on a china plate,
And sorry I could not have eaten both
And be no glutton, long I gaped
And looked at one as far as I could
To where it was buttered by my host;
Posted by Jadzia Axelrod
Geeky Books that Inspire Nostalgia
[Movie still from Power Rangers (2017), Lionsgate]
With the approaching release of Power Rangers, we are feeling nostalgic. We’re embracing the feeling by rounding up our favorite geeky books that inspire nostalgia. Take a trip with us…to the past!
Posted by Sarah Fox
Noteworthy Women In Sci-Fi History
It's Women's History Month, and we're all about celebrating ladies—especially ladies in the sci-fi world.
Posted by Jadzia Axelrod
DIY: Make a Snug-Read Wearable Blanket!
If you’re ready to get your geeky hygge on, this cozy reading gear is for you. Wearable blankets have been very popular for the last few years, but a snug-read has all the benefits of a cozy blanket, a hooded sweatshirt, and a thick scarf without the hassle of trying to wear all three at once.
Posted by Margaret Dunham
Belle Vs Jane: Which Princess Takes The Right Approach To Reading?
This month, Disney’s live action adaptation of the animated classic, Beauty and the Beast, hit theaters – and bookworms everywhere are thrilled to see this library-loving princess brought to life. Belle has always been the Disney Princess for girls who love to read. After all, the very first time that we meet Belle, she’s headed to the bookstore (and to a scene that put ‘sliding on a rolling bookcase ladder’ on every bucket list). Later, the Beast shows us the way to every reader’s heart when he presents Belle with a stunning library. Books are everything to Belle – they are her form of escapism in the town and a mark of the Beast’s love.
Posted by Rose Moore
Best Literary References in the Mass Effect Series
[Developed by BioWare and published by Electronic Arts]
If you’re at all plugged into the video game world, you probably know that the next installment in the Mass Effect series, Mass Effect: Andromeda, is finally coming out today, March 21st. We can’t be more excited – what’s better than the next chapter in a gorgeously-written space opera? (Seriously, the plotting and dialogue is so good that some of us still aren’t over the emotional arrow to the knee that was Mass Effect 3…) But even better for us bookworms, the writers and developers at Bioware like to toss the occasional literary send-up into the games’ settings, lore, and witty wordplay. In celebration of Mass Effect: Andromeda, here are some of our favorite references from games 1-3.
Posted by Elizabeth Ballou