Our Blog
Gothic Tales of the Returns Desk
We guarantee you've never returned books in conditions as horrible (or as terrifying) as these. Settle in for these horror stories about book returns. But beware, these tales are not for the faint of heart.
Posted by Jadzia Axelrod
Our Favorite Independent Bookstore Instagram Feeds
From left to right: @powellsbooks, @booksaremagicbk, @literatibookstore, @harvardbookstore
Independent Bookstore Day is April 29th! And while we wish we could suspend time and space just so we could visit all our favorite bookstores in one day, we can’t. Luckily, Instagram is there to transport us wherever we want to go. Here are our absolute favorite independent bookstores on Instagram.
Posted by Danielle Mohlman
The Most Regrettable Mythological Figures
If you’ve read The Legion of Regrettable Supervillains by Jon Morris, you know he delivers on all things regrettable in the best possible way. But regrettable, larger than life figures didn’t start with comic books; mythology is chock-full of them! Here’s a taste of some of the most regrettable gods, monsters, and the folks who got mixed up with them.
Posted by Jadzia Axelrod
Libraries We Wouldn’t Mind Getting Locked Into
There are some really, really cool libraries in this world. There are some that are environmentally proactive, some that house more books than one could read in a lifetime, and some that are just architecturally bizarre.
We’ve collected a list of some libraries we totally wouldn’t mind getting locked into.
Posted by Bree Crowder
Fictional Characters Take Their Kids to Work
[Still from Game of Thrones, HBO]
Today is Take Your Kids to Work Day. In honor of all the children running around cubicles or staring wistfully at the candy bars in the vending machines in break rooms, we imagined what it would be like for characters to take their kids to work. Trust us, it’s better than having them stare at another motivational poster.
Posted by Sarah Fox