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Audiobooks to Listen to While Waiting for Cyber Monday Deals

Image by Felix Lichtenfeld from Pixabay.

It’s that time of year again! Grab some comfy clothes, and sit back in your favorite chair because it’s Cyber Monday! Hitting the refresh button will be easy with this list of audiobooks to listen to while you wait for those sweet deals to drop.

Posted by Sandra Woolf

Self-Care Tips for Stay at Home Because You Are Well Day

Photo by Madison Inouye from Pexels.

Everyone has called in work sick before, but have you ever thought about calling in healthy? It’s not as crazy an idea as you might think!

Although we tend to only take time off when sick, more and more people are focusing on the concept of self-care, and recognizing that it’s okay to take a little time off to prevent illness, not just to treat it. Taking a wellness day can be a perfect way to give yourself a little boost, which means that you can return to work feeling refreshed, focused, and more productive than ever. Why not try taking this November 30 off and recharging your batteries for the winter? And whether you are new to self-care or you are all about taking care when you need it, we’ve got some great tips to make the most of this Stay At Home Because You Are Well Day.

Posted by Rose Moore

Shopping Habits of Fictional Characters

[Movie still from Clueless, Paramount Pictures]

There are those who can shop til they drop. Whilst others live for the thrill of a thrift store find. When it comes to shopping though there are a few notable characters that do more than simply dress to impress.

Posted by Sandra Woolf

Friendships in Literature We’re Thankful For

Happy Thanksgiving, Quirk readers! In the spirit of giving thanks, we wanted to share some of the literary friendships we’re feeling thankful for at this time of year.

Posted by Bree Crowder

Murder in the ’67 Hatchback and Other Poriot Knock-Offs

Now that Kenneth Brannagh’s adaptation of Murder on the Orient Express has steamed into theaters, it’s high time to draw attention to the many knock-offs and also-rans that cropped up in the wake of Agatha Christie’s 1934 hit novel. When you have such a rich concept as “locked room mystery, but on a moving vehicle,” it’s not hard to imagine others exploiting it.

Posted by Jadzia Axelrod

The Three Types of Time Travel Stories

[Movie still from Back to the Future, Universal Pictures]

In Andrew DeGraff’s book Cinemaps, readers can track Marty McFly’s geographical journey through three different versions of Hill Valley, California, but there’s another aspect of Marty’s travel that can’t be captured geographically: his travel through time.

Posted by Lauren Thoman