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The Last of Their Kind

[Movie still from Star Wars: The Last Jedi, Lucasfilms and Walt Disney Pictures]

It's December again, which means of all things going on, the most important is a new Star Wars movie. There's also some holiday which is rumored to be right around the corner, but that takes a close second to the continued stories of the Skywalker family. We wanted to take a look at some other pop culture characters who are the last of their kind.

Posted by David Winnick

What If Other Authors Had Written A Christmas Carol?

We all know the story of Charles Dickens’ A Christmas Carol; it’s been retold and adapted enough times that it’s become part of popular culture. Certainly a great deal of its longevity has to do with Dickens particular blend of wit and pathos. But what if he wasn’t the one who penned the classic? How would A Christmas Carol read if some other authors took a crack at it?

Posted by Jadzia Axelrod

What If Hannibal Lecter Judged A Baking Show?

Baking shows! Be they war over cupcakes or beautifully British bunting-bundles, we cannot get enough of them. There’s just something scintillating about watching folks mix their ingredients as best they can, only to leave their concoction to the capricious whims of an oven’s heat. But what if there was an added challenge to all of this rolled-dough rigmarole? What if one of the judges was famed fictional foodie and cannibal killer Hannibal Lecter?

Posted by Jadzia Axelrod

Hot Chocolate Recipes Based on Fictional Characters

With the cold weather coming in, there’s nothing better than curling up with a good book. Unless, that is, curling up with a cup of hot chocolate and good book! These character-specific recipes should go match perfectly with your reading of choice.

Posted by Jadzia Axelrod

Krysten Ritter, Holiday Knitter: Geeky Celebrity Hobbies and Fandoms

There are some celebrities that leap to mind when you think about famous geeks. Kevin Smith, the man who made a living out of being a giant comic book nerd. Wil Wheaton, the Star Trek child star who now plays board games for an audience of thousands. But these big names in nerddom aren’t the only ones that are sneaky geeks behind the scenes. There are some surprising stars who have nerdy hobbies and aren’t afraid to admit it! From board games to video games, these big names are proving that anyone can be a geek in their spare time.

Posted by Rose Moore

Eight Geeky Nights For Your Favorite Geeky Girls and Guys

[Photo by Marius Haakestad on Unsplash]

It’s that time of year again when finding the perfect gift for the perfect person becomes tantamount to a feat like that only managed by Atlas. With the weight of the gift giving world pressing down on everyone, the question then becomes this: what's the best present to give those geeky friends on your list of recipients? We at Quirk have decided to give eight geeky gifts for eight crazy nights.

Posted by David Winnick