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New Year, New Witch: Advice From Basic Witches

Photo by NordWood Themes on Unsplash.

2018 is here, and that means time to reflect, renew… and read a whole bunch of posts determined to make this year the best year ever. Which is great, really.

But what if you want to do something a little bit different?

If 2017 was the year that saw you get in touch with your witchy side (or even if you did that a long time ago), you might be wondering about how to bring a little magic to your New Year’s celebrations. Of course, for some witches, New Year’s has already come and gone, as the majority of Wiccan traditions consider Samhain to be the start of the new Wheel of the Year. Others may choose to focus their celebrations of renewal and rebirth during the longest night of the year: the Winter Solstice (aka Yule). However, there’s no reason not to celebrate the calendar New Year as well, and we’ve got some great ways to refocus and bring a little witchy goodness into 2018.

Posted by Rose Moore

Reading Resolutions for an Incredible 2018

[Movie still from Beauty and the Beast, Walt Disney Pictures]

It’s no secret that reading completes us. Studies have shown that reading fiction increases our capacity for empathy, reduces stress levels, and might just help us live a little longer. For 2018, we’re challenging you to reach outside your reading comfort zone – and we’ve come up with a few ideas to get you started. Think of us as your bookish guides on this literary quest.

Posted by Danielle Mohlman

Literary References in The Good Place

[TV still from The Good Place, Fremulon]

Holy mother forking shirt balls. The Good Place is back on January 4. The November 4 episode about Derek – remember Derek? – feels like it happened a lifetime ago, so we’re here to catch you up on the literary references from the first season and a half of the show. Surprise! They’re all philosophy texts. We hope you’ve kept up with your reading. You know how Chidi can get.

Caution: spoilers abound!

Posted by Danielle Mohlman

Q&A with My Lady’s Choosing Authors Kitty and Larissa

Kitty Curran and Larissa Zageris are the authors of the upcoming choose-your-path romance novel My Lady's Choosing. These ladies are creative, smart, and incredibly funny. Read their Q&A below!

Posted by Quirk Books Staff

Elf on the Shelf Literary Edition

[Photo by erin mckenna on Unsplash]

While Elf on the Shelf might be a fairly new holiday tradition, elves have appeared in literature for hundreds of years. While these elves don’t work for Santa, they do end up in a lot of mischief. Here’s our list of famous elves in literature!

Posted by Sandra Woolf

Pop Culture Based Conversation Starters For The Holidays

The holidays can be difficult. After all, one cannot choose their family, and it takes time before all the complex carbohydrates and copious amounts of egg nog to do their work and put everyone to sleep. What do you talk about in meantime that won’t set off a shouting match? Books, television and movies, of course!

Posted by Jadzia Axelrod