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Is binge-watching a TV or movie franchise really a good use of your time? Of course it is, especially if you follow our advice.

Posted by Quirk Books Staff

Book and Grilled Cheese Pairings

Okay, gentle readers, before we go any further, we’re going to need to discuss how to properly make a grilled cheese sandwich.

“But,” you say, “I thought we were going to talk about books and grilled cheese.”

And we will. But it is a truth universally acknowledged that bad grilled cheese ruins lives.

Okay, maybe not lives. But also maybe lives.

Anyway. We’re going to talk about how to make good grilled cheese, and then how to pair good grilled cheese with books, and your lives are going to be better for it. I think we can all agree this is true.

So first off. A grilled cheese sandwich. Easy, right? Well, yes, but also, easy to screw up. People want to rush the process, or overstuff their sandwich, and it just ends in a pile of burnt bread and sadness. You don’t want that.

Posted by Lauren Thoman

Characters Most Likely to Dress Up Their Pets

For some, the temptation to dress up furry friends is hard to resist. With their cute little faces and big loving eyes, who wouldn't want to put a tutu on a pig? Or a dog in a tuxedo? Here are a few eccentric characters that would love to dress up their pets.

Posted by Sandra Woolf

The Best Compliments For Bookish People In Your Life

Image by Dariusz Sankowski from Pixabay.

We love bookworms.

They’re an interesting breed, though. The true bookworm is rarely out in public, preferring to remain somewhere warm and close to an endless supply of tea and new reading material. They can be quiet creatures, and if left alone, will usually either find a book or pull a book out of their bag, because they are always carrying one. They are on Snapchat less than Goodreads, and care about cover art more than beauty products. They are strange, but brilliant, living a thousand lives inside their heads, traveling the world from the safety of their comfy chair. It shows, too. If you are lucky enough to have a bookworm in your life, you will know that they have an encyclopedic knowledge of strange and varied subjects, thanks to a novel they read where a character was into that kind of thing. They will be open minded and careful thinkers, likely to sprinkle their speech with beautiful and intricate phrases. And oh, you have not lived until you have heard a bookworm’s flowery-but-brutal insults when someone interrupts them reading.

Yes, we love bookworms, but it can be difficult to know just how to compliment these bookish people in a way that will truly convey just how special the are to us. Luckily, we’re here to help, with some perfect compliments for the bookish people you love.

Posted by Rose Moore

Childhood Movies That Are Now Terrifying

[Movie still from The Witches, Jim Henson Productions] 

If you were a child growing up who was easily frightened, this list might bring up repressed memories. Before Pixar and Disney ruled the film world, children in the '80s and '90s watched movies that had a shocking amount of frightening content. Cover your eyes! This might get scary.

Posted by Sandra Woolf

Fictional Government Shutdowns

What happens when these fictional governments shut down? We took a closer look at some of the systems in literature and pop culture to find out.

Posted by Quirk Books Staff