Our Blog

Books That Double as Decor

Don’t judge a book by its cover. We’ve heard this all our lives, and the saying is true. However, there are some gorgeous covers out there — and some of them can even double as decor.

Posted by Bree Crowder

Drop by and say hello at BookCon!

We can't wait for BookCon 2018. It's SO CLOSE! We'll be there at Booth #2038 from June 2 – June 3 and we can't wait to meet you and talk books.

Oh, and you can get SWAG! How? Drop by our booth and whisper the top secret password. (It's Quirk E. Godmother.) Plus, you can take a photo in our GIF booth. Yes, that's a real thing that's happening, and we are so excited! You'll be able to take GIF photos with props based on items from favorite and upcoming Quirk books. If you post your GIF on Twitter or Instagram, sure to tag @quirkbooks so we can see!


See below for giveaway and author signing deets @ BookCon:

Posted by Quirk Books Staff

Visit us at Book Expo and Book Con!

Are you pumped for Book Expo and BookCon? We'll be there at Booth #2038 hoping to meet you! Can't wait to say hi and talk books! 

As always, we'll have swag at BookCon. How do you get the swag? We're glad you asked. Drop by our booth and whisper the top secret password. (It's Quirk E. Godmother.) We'll also have a GIF booth — yes, you heard us! — so you can take GIF photos with props based on items from favorite and upcoming Quirk books! If you post your GIF on Twitter or Instagram, sure to tag @quirkbooks. We'd love to see!

See below for giveaways, author signings, and more:


Book Expo: Thursday, May 31

Book Expo: Friday, June 1


BookCon: Saturday, June 2 and Sunday, June 3

Posted by Quirk Books Staff

Ashley Poston’s Favorite Fanart

I have a confession to make:

I really like fanart.

I like fanart so much my first stop at conventions is Artist Alley. I will easily drop a hundred dollars on the perfect Victuuri postcard or a wood-block print of Chihiro and Haku. I’m always on the lookout for new fanarts to put up in my office. It helps keep my writing space fresh and colorful and I get to give money to artists I adore. It’s really a win-win.

So without further ado, here are some of my recent favorite pieces of non-Geekerella fanart for your enjoyment. I hope you find a new artist to love and support, and definitely @ me on Twitter with your favs as well!

Posted by Ashley Poston

Underscore Your Cosplay Construction with this Geekerella-Inspired Playlist

Geekerella by Ashley Poston comes out in paperback this week and to say we’re excited would be a massive understatement. To celebrate this fantastic novel’s paperback release, we’ve pulled together a playlist inspired by Elle Wittimer and the ExcelsiCon Cosplay Ball. It’s the perfect soundtrack for cosplay creation, best paired with the whirring of a sewing machine and the smell of a hot glue gun.

Posted by Danielle Mohlman

Geekerella Bookstagram Roundup

Photo by @astrophilex3

As the voice behind Quirk’s Instagram account (@quirkbooks), one of my favorite things is checking out all the beautiful bookstagrams out there. From elaborate flatlays to colorful shelfies, there’s no shortage of bookish love on Instagram, and in honor of the paperback release of Ashley Poston’s Geekerella on Tuesday, I’ve rounded up five awesome Geekerella bookstagrams. But trust me when I say it wasn’t easy to narrow it down to just five. . . there are SO MANY awesome photos to choose from. (Check out #Geekerella to see what I mean.)

Posted by Kelsey Hoffman