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Happy 143 Day!

Fred Rogers once said, "It takes one letter to say I and four letters to say love and three letters to say you. One hundred and forty-three." In honor of Fred Rogers, May 23 is now 143 Day in Pennsylvania. Celebrate by doing one kind thing for your fellow neighbor! 

Use the activities on this page—especially the "(Paper) Chain of Kindness" activity—to spread kindness wherever you go today. To read the full activity guide, click here!

Posted by Quirk Books Staff

Hey! Visit us at BookExpo and BookCon!

We are SO EXCITED for BookExpo and BookCon! Drop by booth 1239 to say hi. We would love to meet you and talk books!

This year during BookCon (June 1–2), there's a new way to get swag, and it comes in the form of a gumball machine that's filled with prizes ranging from discounts to ARCs to items from other vendors we love. Are you ready to roll the dice (or, we guess, turn the gumball machine crank) on some great bookish prizes?

Keep reading for giveaways and author signing deets at BookExpo and BookCon:


Wednesday, May 29:

Tote bag giveaway

Author Signing: Tres Dean
For Your Consideration: Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson
(on sale: 11/5/19)

Author Signing: Clay McLeod Chapman
The Remaking
(on sale: 10/8/19)


Thursday, May 30:

Author Signing: M.L. Webb
The GayBCs
(on sale: 10/8/19)

Tote bag giveaway

Author Signing: Michelle Gish
We Are Here Forever
(on sale: July 30, 2019)


Friday, May 31:

Tote bag giveaway

Author Signing: Andrew Shaffer
Hope Rides Again
(on sale: 7/9/19)

Author Signing: Ian Doescher & Jacopo Della Quercia
(on sale: October 1, 2019)


Saturday, June 1:

FREE Preview Signing: Ian Doescher & Jacopo Della Quercia

Tote bag giveaway

Book Con Exclusive
Signing with Purchase: Andrew Shaffer
Hope Rides Again and Hope Never Dies


Sunday, June 2:

Tote bag giveaway

Signing with Purchase: Ashley Poston
The Princess and the Fangirl and Geekerella

FREE ARC Signing: M.L. Webb
The GayBCs

Posted by Quirk Books Staff

Pikachu on Book Covers

Pokémon Detective Pikachu comes out on May 10, 2019, which got us thinking. What would Pikachu look like on book covers? 

Posted by Quirk Books Staff

Shakespearean Memes

To celebrate Shakespeare's birthday, deathday, and the release of William Shakespeare's Much Ado About Mean Girls and Get Thee Back to the Future, author Ian Doescher Shakespeare-ized these memes. Want to share? Right click to save!

Posted by Quirk Books Staff

Giraffes on Horseback Salad: The Soundtrack

Big news! There's a musical component to the graphic novel Giraffes on Horseback Salad: Salvador Dali, the Marx Brothers, and the Strangest Movie Never Made: a soundtrack for the book!

While the album will not officially come out until about a month after Giraffes on Horseback Salad goes on sale, author Josh Frank wanted to share the musical book experience earlier by offering three songs you can listen to online starting March 19, 2019. And here's the coolest part: these songs are "sung" in Giraffes on Horseback Salad, so you can pair these up while reading the graphic novel. Ready for things to get surreal?

Posted by Quirk Books Staff

Exclusive! World Record Egg Moonlights as Book Cover Model

Photo by Monserrat Soldú from Pexels

Celebrities from Amanda Seyfried to Matt Bomer have started their careers on the covers of books, but did you know that the greatest celebrity of all time was also a book cover model? Yes, that’s right. The world-record-breaking Instagram Egg also had humble beginnings modeling for books, and we’ve rounded up some of our favorite moments from The Egg’s illustrious career.

Posted by Quirk Books Staff