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Quirk-Themed Zoom Backgrounds

Image by mohamed Hassan from Pixabay

If you're like us, you're using Zoom a lot these days—for work meetings, happy hours, and virtual hangs with friends and family. Video chats help us feel more connected when we're apart. (And we really miss our coworkers!) Besides seeing friendly faces, the best part about video chatting is changing the background. That got us thinking: what if we made Quirk-themed Zoom backgrounds featuring some of our titles? So we did. Go ahead and give your Zoom call a literary spin!

To save the backgrounds, click the image to be taken to the file, and then right click and save. (Psst, when you use these on Zoom, the image will appear backwards for you because Zoom shows you your mirrored image. To everyone else, the image will appear normal!)

Posted by Quirk Books Staff

Books as Beer Bottles

It's National Beer Day, and social distancing can't stop us from collectively cracking open a bottle of beer and drinking together, alone in our own homes. So grab your favorite beer and—wait a minute, something's not right. These beer bottles seem to have something…literary going on.

Which bookish beer bottle label is your favorite? Let us know on Twitter @quirkbooks!

Posted by Quirk Books Staff

The Astrology of You and Me Ranked in Best Astrology Books by EZVid Wiki

We're thrilled to announce The Astrology of You and Me placed #6 on Ezvid Wiki's newly published Top 10 Best Astrology Books list!

Posted by Quirk Books Staff

Catch Up on the Classics

Photo from MorningbirdPhoto on Pixabay.

Prices subject to change.

Catch up on the classics with these fresh spins on some of the world's favorite tales, discounted and in e-book format for you to enjoy while you're at home!

Posted by Quirk Books Staff

YA & Adult Audiobooks

Photo from Pexels

Whether you're missing the sounds of your morning commute or you're antsy from sitting around the house, these audiobooks are a helpful way to mix up your daily routine.

Posted by Quirk Books Staff

Audiobooks for Parents and Kids

Photo by Kaboompics .com from Pexels

Mix up your routine with your kids and try these immersive and informative audiobooks!

Posted by Quirk Books Staff