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Bookish Events in NYC: May 18th to 22nd


It’s another great week for bookish events in New York City. This week offers the return of several series like the Franklin Park Reading Series and The Moth StorySLAM! Head over to Lincoln Center for an evening with Maggie Nelson, or listen to some unique prayers at Housing Works Bookstore Café. Make sure to tweet at us and let us know where you went!

Posted by Jennifer Morell

Twelve Totally Awesome ’80s Movies Based On Books

The ‘80s: Jake Ryan, Aqua Net bangs, Trapper Keepers, where babysitters went on adventures, Goonies never said die, and Sweet Valley High made us wish we had a twin. *Wipes nostalgic tear.*

Until I can find Doc and a time traveling DeLorean I visit the ‘80s like everyone else, via movies. But did you know lots of your favorite ‘80s movies were adapted from books? Whether the book is better than the movie (nearly always the case) it is, at the very least, partially different and contains more information. So here are 12 totally awesome ‘80s movies adapted or inspired from books you’ll probably want to read.

Posted by Jamie Canaves

How-To Tuesday: Commit Random Acts of Bookishness With Our Printable Notes!

Ways to express your love for a book: shout it from the rooftops; put it in a song; hold up the line while you list the books the cashier needs to read—Or you can participate in a random act of bookishness! Because who wouldn’t love to find a little book note stowed away in a book they’re reading? The answer is no one. No one.

Posted by Jamie Canaves

Bookish Events in New York City: May 11th–May 15th

It’s an amazing week for bookish events in New York City. Want to know what’s even better? All of the events featured here are totally free! There are opportunities to celebrate debut novelists, hear poetry in translation, and learn something new. Tweet at us to let us know where you went!

Posted by Jennifer Morell

Tips for Reading in Restaurants Without Being Weird, Awkward, Or Getting Ketchup On Your Book

Book Sandwich! via pebrenegre

I support your right to get your book* on anywhere and everywhere. And what better place to read than on a bookish dinner date with yourself? You deserve it. Now before you dress yourself up—or down, whatever your style—and grab your book, here are some helpful tips for a perfect restaurant book date.

*I will be using book to represent e-readers, comics, any and all reading material. We're equal opportunity readers/eaters here!

Posted by Jamie Canaves

7 Author Protagonists—And 1 Antagonist—To Watch on TV

Maybe if a writer hears "write what you know" enough times it manifests itself into writers writing characters who are—wait for it… authors. Or writers may love being writers so much they know of no other profession they’d like to pass on to their characters. Or maybe the profession isn’t limiting so author protagonists are not written from the same pen, giving us a variety of characters to love. I mean we all love fictitious authors as much as real authors, right? Okay, good because here are 7 author protagonists and 1 antagonist—come on, there always has to be at least one—to watch on TV.

Posted by Jamie Canaves