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10 Music Videos Pulled Straight Out Of Literature

Songs that reference literature are nothing new. Even if you’re not a fan (as I am) of Jefferson Airplane’s “White Rabbit” or didn’t realize that David Bowie’s Diamond Dogs was intended to be a 1984 musical, you’ve probably heard some type of music that drew inspiration from books. (And yes, Taylor Swift’s “Love Story”—grudgingly—counts.)

But when musicians go one step further and reference these works in their music videos, that’s when things get really interesting. So here are ten videos that are among the most thought-provoking, spot-on, or just very wacky.

[Not included were music videos that reference the Bible (because hoo boy is that a whole other can of worms) or, despite our deep and abiding love for all things Harry Potter, any wizard wrock.]

Posted by Alyssa Favreau

5 Fictional Characters Who Laugh In the Face of Guinness World Records

On August 27, 1955 the very first edition of The Guinness Book of Records was released. Since then it has become a source of awe and curiosity, and certainly a few cringes. We all remember the annual school book fair in middle school that always had at least a few copies circulating with groups of kids huddled around, everyone pointing and talking over each other. You were out of luck if you hadn’t been given enough money to buy a copy because it was always checked out at the library—which got us thinking about some fictional characters and the Guinness Records they’d probably hold.

Posted by Jamie Canaves

How-To Tuesday: Get a Bikini Body… of Literature

Are your favorite summer reads beach-ready? There’s just one way to get your book ready for bikini season: make a book-ini for your book! Craft a no-sew, no-nonsense book-ini for your summer reading and show off that bodacious body of literature in no time. Craft book-inis in any color or style you choose to keep the sand and surf out of your own books, or whip up a few to use as gift wrap when you share your favorite summertime reads with others.

Posted by Margaret Dunham

Quirk Corral: Batman Inspired Lattes, Books, and Video Games!

Here at Quirk, we’ve scoured the internet for the best bookish, geeky, and crafty links of the past week to help make your Monday a little brighter. Whether you desperately need a Batman inspired latte, or just want to fantasize about a modern day Pride and Prejudice, we’ve got you covered.

Posted by Jennifer Morell

Can We Just Talk About The Baby-Sitters Club’s Magical Child-Minding Powers?

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Remember a time when reading about 1112 year olds watching the neighborhood kids seemed like a plausible arrangement? Ah, youth. 

It's a far departure from today's norm, where new parents often expect their babysitters to be professional child-rearing experts. (I currently have two nannies who alternate watching my 4-year-old and 9-month-old. Both have college degrees in early childhood development!) So when I re-read the first book in the series, Kristy’s Great Idea by Ann M. Martin, I thought I’d chuckle over outdated babysitting blunders. Only I've come to realize that maybe modern-day nannies could take a page or two from these preternaturally mature middle-schoolers. 

Here are five times Kristy, Stacey, Mary Anne, and Claudia were suspiciously good, possibly magical, babysitting professionals:

Posted by Diana R. Wallach

5 Books on Everyone’s Summer Reading List in the ’90s

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Book trends come and go, and no list is more indicative of the times than the school-mandated Summer Reading List. Those of us (young, fresh-faced) bookworms who came of age in the '90s will see some familar gems in this nostalgia-packed list. Share your favorites with us on Twitter at @QuirkBooks!

Posted by Carrie Jo Tucker