Our Blog

Quirk Corral: Best of Links and Best of Hamilton Mash-ups

Here at Quirk we’ve spent the week scouring the internet for the best bookish, geeky, and crafty links. Whether you are looking for some inspirational quotes from literature, or a recipe for cookie butter, we’re sure to have something to make your day a little more epic.

Posted by Jennifer Morell

If We Could Dream Cast “League of Extraordinary Gentlemen”

As fans of Alan Moore and Kevin O’Neill’s comic book The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen know, a tale about Victorian era characters banding together to fight evil is one of the most brilliant ideas ever. Not such a great idea was the 2003 Film adaptation directed by Stephen Norrington and starring Sean Connery. The film took some wild departures from the source material and was plagued with all manner of on-set drama. Recently, Fox Studios has announced a reboot of the franchise in which Mina Harker will be the lead character instead of Alan Quatermain. Never to let a good dream cast pass us by, here's who we'd like to see fill the iconic roles this time around. 

Posted by David Winnick

23 Quirky, Geeky, and Bookish Stocking Stuffers

As quirky geeks who read, we like to give unique gifts that we would also love. If you’re like us, we recommend reinforcing your wall hooks and buying a bigger stocking this year, because we found 23 stocking stuffer/Hanukkah/Festivus gifts for the quirky, geeky, and bookish people in your life. Take a page out of our book and shop via the one-for-you-one-for-us method.

Posted by Jamie Canaves

Quirk Corral: Star Wars/Hamilton Mashup and New Outlander Trailer

Here at Quirk, we’ve spent the week scouring the internet for the best bookish, geeky, and crafty links. Whether you are looking for a Star Wars/Hamilton mashup or the latest Outlander trailer, we’re sure to have something to help make your day a little brighter.

Posted by Jennifer Morell

Holiday DIY: Paperbacks to Paper Chains

A book is a terrible thing to waste, but what do you do with one that’s damaged? Upcycle it into festive decorations, of course! Use pages from any dilapidated book to create a length of beautiful paper chain. A traditional craft for the holiday season here in the Western world, paper chains are a way crafters of any age (or DIY skill level) can make their own decorations. You can even customize your chain with color, sparkles, or pictures! Paper chains are a fun, efficient way to make any space festive and magical. 

Posted by Margaret Dunham

Unexpected Gifts for the Writer in Your Life

(Image: Gwendolyn Brooks, History.com)

What are you going to get for the writer in your life? It may be tempting to grab a pack of your favorite pens and notebooks, and call it a day, but what fun is that? At Quirk, we’ve come up with a list of unexpected gifts that are guaranteed to inspire creativity.

Posted by Danielle Mohlman