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How-To Tuesday: Zombie-Proof Leather Book Cover

Pride & Prejudice & Zombies is in theaters around the world, bringing together Austen-lovers and zombie survivalists in a whole new cinematic way. If you’re preparing for the zombie apocalypse, keep in mind that for anyone to be called truly accomplished, they must always be engaged in the improvement of their mind by extensive reading. Keep the books in your arsenal/library safe and sound by covering those precious paperbacks in leather! Here’s how.

Posted by Margaret Dunham

7 Comic Book Movies Waiting In The Wings

It wasn’t long ago that the Deadpool movie was D.O.A. After a horrible adaptation of the character in X-Men Origins: Wolverine, it seemed that Fox films had given up on the idea of utilizing Deadpool in another film ever again. Fortunately for the world at large, director Tim Miller and the fans never gave up on the merc with a mouth.

After leaked test footage for a Deadpool movie hit the web last year, a frenzy broke out and Fox could no longer ignore the powerful mutant they had allowed to languish in their property backlog. A film was pushed into production starring the original actor who brought Wade Wilson to life in all his glory, Ryan Reynolds. With all of this in mind, we at Quirk are wondering, who's next after Deadpool? 

Posted by David Winnick

Bookish Valentine’s Day Bookmarks To Share

We at Quirk Books love to share! So for Valentine’s Day we’re sharing bookmarks inspired by the best friend charm necklaces of decades past. Just print, cut down the middle, and there’s one for you and one for your chosen recipient. (Or keep both, we won’t tell.)

Posted by Jamie Canaves

4 Heart-Wrenching Tragedies of Love in Recent Pop Culture

Here is a look at some of the heart-wrenching love stories to have graced pop culture in recent years. Fair warning, this post is full of spoilers. 

Posted by David Winnick

Quirk Corral: What Are Wizard Taxes Like and Other Concerns

Here at Quirk we’ve spent the week scouring the internet for the best bookish, geeky, and crafty links. Whether you are looking for some dollar store DIY projects or are wondering how wizards pay taxes, we’re sure to have something to make you smile.

Posted by Jennifer Morell

Literary Lovers Who Deserve Each Other, A Mash-Up

Have you ever read a book and, halfway through, caught yourself thinking, “This character deserves so much better!?” It may be because they’ve been dealt an unfortunate hand, have lost a parent, or job, or simply can’t seem to get their life together. All of that is unfortunate, but sometimes the root of the problem lies in their inexplicable failure to find a romantic partner deserving of them. 

Posted by Alyssa Favreau