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A Reading List for World Goth Day

It used to be easy to read as a Goth. Find a classic piece of creepy literature by Mary Shelley, Bram Stoker or H.P Lovecraft and you were golden. The options have gotten much more interesting than that over the last few decades. We at Quirk are providing a look at some of the modern masterpieces of dark fiction which should be carried around in the backpacks of all Goths in schools across the United States.

Posted by David Winnick

The Best Bookmarks for Horror Novels

Sometimes we use the closest thing we can find as a bookmark: receipt, clothing tag, chocolate wrapper, that thing that broke off of something we can’t remember… But some book genres need their own bookmark! In this case, we found ourselves wanting a creepy bookmark as we were reading My Best Friend’s Exorcism by Grady Hendrix. So we did what any horror loving bibliophile would do in the middle of the night in their PJs: We went shopping online while singingThe Addams Family theme song.

Here’s what we found:

Posted by Jamie Canaves

Creep-ify Your Book: A Printable

Have your holy water and Raid bug spray ready because here’s a creepy printable bookmark inspired by My Best Friend's Exorcism (on sale today)! 

Posted by Jamie Canaves

Reading Recommendations for Team Iron Man

Captain America: Civil War is about to hit theaters. While it may seem that the characters of this epic superhero throw down may be too busy to even consider picking up a book to read, we at Quirk thought it might be nice to give the two teams a little something for their down time. So, here is a look at some reading for team Iron Man.

Posted by David Winnick

Reading Recommendations for Team Captain America

It sounds like it could be great fun to be a superhero. At the very least, you would get to travel the globe and see new and exciting places. Unless there is a guy on the team who can teleport everyone, there is going to be a lot of down time. Traveling from coast to coast can take hours and international flights can take more than half a day. Other than planning the next battles it would be hard to kill time during those endless travel hours. So here is a list of books for team Captain America to read during the travel time.

Posted by David Winnick

Mexican-American Authors You Should Know

Happy Cinco de Mayo! Time to celebrate the Mexican army’s 1862 victory over France at the Battle of Puebla. While it’s tempting to drink margaritas and call it a day, here at Quirk Books we prefer an alternate mode of celebration: the celebration of Chicano literature. We’ve put together a list of five Mexican American authors you could be reading right now.

Posted by Danielle Mohlman