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DIY Miss Peregrine Pocket Watch Chain

Feeling a little peculiar?

Of all the opulent antiquities we’ve spotted in the trailer for Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children, there’s one that we’d most love to pocket for ourselves: Miss Peregine’s signature pocket watch and watch fob (the chain that it hangs on). But unless you’ve found your way to her home yourself (and if you have, please invite us over!) the best way to pocket a beautiful watch like hers is by making your own one of a kind watch fob.


Posted by Margaret Dunham

The Candy Potter Series

June is National Candy Month! Not only are we celebrating by eating our favorites *vibrates from sugar high* we couldn’t pass up on Candying a Book—especially, when we realized we should Candy the Harry Potter Series because Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone was originally published on June 26, 1997. This was clearly meant to be.


Posted by Jamie Canaves

Weekly Links: Bookstores, Dancing Stormtroopers and Red Velvet Cake Ice Cream

A new week means it’s time for a fresh batch of the best bookish, geeky, and crafty links that the internet has to offer. This week you can stare in wonder at a beautiful bookstore, whip up some red velvet cake ice cream, and cry your eyes out over the latest trailer for The Little Prince.

All Things Bookish

Check out this beautiful new bookstore.

James Carver wrote a tribute to his late brother Raymond.

Here are 17 short stories that you can read right now.

A new trailer for The Little Prince has been released.

All Things Geeky

Enjoy these fake Pokémon that could basically be real.

A lot of people are pretty upset about Captain America.

Prepared to be mesmerized by these dancing Stormtroopers.

All Things Crafty

Try your hand at these DIY baby gifts.

Spruce up your life with these DIY drawer organizers.

Send this red velvet cake ice cream to Quirk HQ.

Posted by Jennifer Morell

Bookmarks for National Doughnut Day (for Dinosaurs)!


The first Friday in June is National Donut Day. Not only is this one of those delicious holidays we technically celebrate every day of the year (because donuts!) this one actually has a great history. During World War I, the Salvation Army's volunteer women made donuts to boost morale amongst soldiers. So let’s all raise our donuts high today for those ladies! And after you’ve washed all that frosting and glaze off your hands, we’re continuing our donut celebration with a tiny-armed-T.-rex-trying-to-eat-donuts bookmarks because hilarious.

National Donut Day Dinosaur Bookmarks: download here

Posted by Jamie Canaves

Relationship Texts from Literary Heroines

In the grand tradition of reinterpreting classic literary situations with modern day technologies, Quirk author and blogger Alyssa Favreau imagines what might have happened if some of literature's heroines just had a good friend to text.

Posted by Alyssa Favreau

Quirk Corral: Macramé Mario and Celebrating the Glue Gun

(Image via Makezine)

A new week means it’s time to harvest the best bookish, geeky, and crafty links that the internet has produced. Be amazed at gorgeous paintings on an unusual medium. Try your hand at some Super Mario macramé. Sob uncontrollably at a Wicked reunion. But most importantly, make sure to have the best week ever!

Posted by Jennifer Morell