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Peanuts + Publications

Peanuts are the most divisive of legumes. While some may love the salty crunchy snacks, others find them to be perhaps the most vile and disgusting piece of food on the face of the planet. The month of November is for the peanut lovers. Since it is national Peanut Butter Month, we at Quirk are going to take a look at some pairings of deliciously peanut based snacks and some of literatures best stories.

Posted by David Winnick

Our Favorite Fictional Musicians

You know that song you just can’t get out of your head? What if it’s a whole book? To celebrate our love of music here at Quirk Books, we’ve rounded up our favorite fictional musicians and the books they call home. Get ready to rock!

Posted by Danielle Mohlman

Revolutionary Reads

The fifth of November is remembered in Britain for an attempted assassination of King James I of England. The plan was to blow up the House of Lords with the King inside. A small group of revolutionaries formulated a plot which was to be carried out by Guy Fawkes, a former military serviceman. After an anonymous letter was left for the authorities, Fawkes was found guarding enough gunpowder under the House of Lords to have destroyed everything. We at Quirk would like to remember the failed Gunpowder Treason by providing a list of the best books about revolution.

Posted by David Winnick

Book and Sandwich Pairings

Here at Quirk Books we love a good lunch. And if we’re being honest, we really mean we love a good sandwich. So to celebrate National Sandwich Day – yes, it’s a thing – here are some of our favorite books paired with the food that makes us want to read right through lunch.

Posted by Danielle Mohlman


October is the month we’re basically made up of sugar, obsessed with watching as many horror movies as possible, and reading ALL the dark books. Throw in Halloween crafts plus putting together our costumes—did we mention all the Halloween candy we eat?!—and you can see why it’s our favorite month.

In the spirit of continuing the fun we decided to play a game: #HalloweenABook. Make sure to join us on Twitter!

Posted by Jamie Canaves

Ghosts of Authors Past

The leaves are falling and there’s a nip in the air. But before we pull out our sweaters and switch over to a soup-only diet, we have to check in with some of literature’s dearly departed and wish them a happy Halloween. For those of you who don’t commune with dead authors on a regular basis, we’ve decided to check in with a few of our favorites as they showed us around the halls they still haunt.

Posted by Danielle Mohlman