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The Literary Roles of Felicity Jones

Photo by Nathan Engel from Pexels

Felicity Jones is everywhere these days. In addition to her leading role in Rogue One, she’s one of the stars of this month’s A Monster Calls, based on the young adult novel by Patrick Ness and adapted for the screen by the author himself. And what a treat that must have been – to work directly with the imaginative mind of Patrick Ness and become immersed in the world of his award-winning novel. But Felicity Jones is no stranger to literary film roles. With Northanger Abbey, The Diary of Anne Frank, and, yes, even The Amazing Spider-Man 2 on her resume, it’s clear she’s a natural fit to translate the rich world of a novel to the silver screen. Here are some of our favorites. 

Posted by Danielle Mohlman

DIY Epic Fantasy Belt Pouch!

Magic beans. Crystal shards. Enchanted acorns. Dice.

When one travels through the woods on an epic quest, one has the occasion to carry all manner of tiny trinkets and magical items. To stow them you’ll need something secure but close at hand. A handmade belt pouch is the perfect accessory to keep your items safe (and secret, as the case may be). This pouch has a rough-hewn handmade look to it, so each one you make will be a little bit different. Here’s how to make your own.

Posted by Margaret Dunham

Book Recommendations for MLK Day

(Photo by Sins S on Unsplash)

As a celebrated nonviolent resistance organizer and orator, Martin Luther King, Jr. fought against racial inequality and segregation. Images of him leading the march on Selma are enough to stop someone in their tracks and his speeches are still uttered today. To celebrate this leader of the Civil Rights Movement, we’re reading these remarkable books about racial inequality today – books that urge for a continuation of Martin Luther King, Jr.’s work.

Posted by Danielle Mohlman

The Top 4 Bookish Instagram Posts (and How to Make Them Your Own)

Ah, Instagram. A great place to share what you’re up to, what you’re into, and how it’s all going. But how do you capture a decidedly in-person experience like reading on the small, captioned, and hashtagged screen? First, some general Instagram tips:

Posted by Margaret Dunham

A Travel Guide to Literary Woods


Home to some of the world’s most magnificent natural arboretums, fantasy novels are sure to surprise and delight even the most intrepid traveler. Join us as we take you on an unbelievable journey through literary woods and forests. Be sure to pack a bottle of water, a map, and your imagination.  

Posted by Danielle Mohlman

Literary References of Gilmore Girls: A Year in the Life: Fall

[TV still from Gilmore Girls, Warner Bros. Television]

We're back with the final installment of literary references in Gilmore Girls: A Year in the Life. After nearly a decade away from Rory Gilmore and her voracious reading habits, we were eager to catch up with the residents of Stars Hollow and the books they’ve been devouring.

Mild spoilers ahead! Haven’t finished the series? Head over to Luke’s Diner and stream the rest of the show. We hear he’s giving out his wifi password now.

Posted by Danielle Mohlman