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Our Very Favorite Reese Witherspoon Literary Roles

Photo by Leah Kelley from Pexels

If you follow Reese Witherspoon on Instagram, you know she loves to read. In fact, “love” might be too mild a word to describe this voracious bookworm. She founded a production company so that she could amplify the voices of female novelists and non-fiction writers, turning their books into films. She has a social media-based book club, where she encourages her followers to read her new favorite books together. (Watch out, Oprah. Just kidding, they’re genuinely friends.) Today, in honor of Reese’s birthday, we’re celebrating our very favorite literary roles from her resume. These roles range from the silly to the serious, but one they have one thing in common: they’re all excellent books. And honestly, we expect nothing less.

Posted by Danielle Mohlman

Bigger Than Life: Monsters in Pop Culture

[source: Legendary Pictures]

Some personalities are bigger than life. In the case of media, there are actors like Sir. Ian McKellen, writers like Herman Melville and artists like Jack “King” Kirby. While these people are all bigger than big, they also have one thing in common: bigger than life monsters. Whether they fought them in films, wrote about them in novels or drew them in comics, each one of these men knows what it is like to be tied inextricably to an enormous beast. With Pacific Rim: Uprising just around the corner, we wanted to take a look at some of the biggest baddest monsters to ever grace pop culture.

Posted by David Winnick

YA Books-Turned-Movies We’re Eagerly Awaiting

If you’re an avid young adult reader of any age, chances are you’ve already dream cast your favorite YA books of the last year. But with more and more YA novels being optioned for film – and going into production! – the fun doesn’t stop with carefully curated Tumblr posts and fan trailers. Mark your calendars, YA fans. Because 2018 is going to be a busy year at the movies.

Posted by Danielle Mohlman

A Wrinkle in Time and Other Childhood Reads with All the Feels

A Wrinkle in Time hits theaters this week and while most of our time is spent swooning over the gorgeous trailer and phenomenal cast – Oprah! Reese Witherspoon! Mindy Kaling! – we still have plenty of time to think about the original source material and every other deeply moving books from our childhood. Without further ado, here are our favorite middle grade novels, chock full of those bottom-of-our-heart feelings.

Posted by Danielle Mohlman

The Literary Roles of Emily Blunt

Photo by Pietro Jeng from Pexels

Emily Blunt is an author’s dream, disappearing into every character she plays. Whether she’s portraying an impossibly perfect personal assistant from Lauren Weisberger’s imagination or an alcoholic protagonist in a Paula Hawkins thriller, Emily Blunt always brings her A game. To celebrate her birthday, we’re talking about our favorite roles in her literary cannon – and one we’ll be looking forward to all year.

Posted by Danielle Mohlman

Hamilton Figure Skating Routines that will Make Your Inner Lin-Manuel Miranda Sing

There’s geeking out, and then there’s Lin-Manuel Miranda level joy. When Lin-Manuel Miranda loves something, he goes full heart-eyes emoji, tweeting from dawn until dusk and genuinely enjoying every moment. It’s a love many aspire to, but few receive. So, when Lin tweeted back in 2015 that he’s eagerly awaiting Hamilton figure skating programs, figure skating fans everywhere were determined to deliver. And after meticulously pouring over the Hamilton figure skating programs available on the internet, we’re proud to present the definitive guide to Hamilton figure skating programs. We hope Lin-Manuel Miranda would agree.

Posted by Danielle Mohlman