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90s Paperbacks Kimmy Schmidt Would Love

Photo by Stas Knop from Pexels

The new season of The Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt is here and we are so excited to see what Tina Fey and the rest of the writing team have in store for us. In between seasons, we spend a lot of time thinking about what Kimmy’s reading and recommending. This time around, we’re building a bunker friendly reading list for our quirky heroine – filled with dragons, apocalypse fiction, missing people, and survival manuals. Because reading the same Baby-Sitters Club Book over and over again can get old fast.

Posted by Danielle Mohlman

Literary Characters Who Got Revenge Living Their Best Life

(source: ABC)

When Arie aka the worst Bachelor to ever grace our television screens proposed to and then broke up with Becca in the season finale, it took everything in our power not to destroy our TVs and call the medium completely dead. After remembering that there’s a lot of amazing television out there and that Arie’s season was a devastating blow to an otherwise successful franchise, we turned our thoughts to the literary. As Becca Kufrin takes on the role of Bachelorette, she’s showing us that sometimes the best revenge is living your best life. Here are our favorite literary heroines who live by the same dictum – if not a little more revenge-y.

Posted by Danielle Mohlman

Underscore Your Cosplay Construction with this Geekerella-Inspired Playlist

Geekerella by Ashley Poston comes out in paperback this week and to say we’re excited would be a massive understatement. To celebrate this fantastic novel’s paperback release, we’ve pulled together a playlist inspired by Elle Wittimer and the ExcelsiCon Cosplay Ball. It’s the perfect soundtrack for cosplay creation, best paired with the whirring of a sewing machine and the smell of a hot glue gun.

Posted by Danielle Mohlman

Cats Take Over Quirk Books

*See information on this adoptable cat at the bottom of the post!

We're wrapping up Cat Week at Quirk Books and — oh no! — we’ve been invaded by cats! But of course, cat invaders are the best kind. Our team, for one, welcomes our feline overlords and will bring them all the cream and tuna they desire. We solemnly vow to only use the laser pointer when specifically requested. We promise never to open a wrapper that sounds like treats without delivering treats.

And we will, most certainly, share what these wise, fluffy, beautiful nap machines have to say with the world. Enjoy!

Posted by Margaret Dunham

A Book for the Cat in Your Library

You can’t judge a book by its cover… it’s what’s inside that counts. And while this book may have nothing but fluff (and just a dash of catnip) between its covers, we’re sure you’ll love it just as much as our in-house feline review board did!

Posted by Margaret Dunham

Books that Will Make You Cry as Much as This is Us

This is Us is on hiatus until September and we’re jonesing for a Pearson fix, stat. Short of writing some pretty elaborate fanfic about Randall, Kate, and Kevin or rewatching seasons one and two on Hulu, there’s not a whole lot we can do to fill the gaping hole in our hearts, right? Not true. As This is Us fans and literary connoisseurs, we’re in the that sweeping family drama sweet spot. So, snuggle into the couch with one of these incredible novels, guaranteed to tug at your heartstrings and maybe – maybe! – produce a few This is Us worthy tears.

Posted by Danielle Mohlman