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Literary Book Club Dream Team

[source: Wiki Commons]

There are a few things to consider when bringing people together in any kind of group. First and foremost, there’s the question of whether they’ll get along — whether their personalities will complement each other. When it comes to book clubs, it’s also important that members are reliable: they’ll read their books, follow the rules, and contribute meaningfully. What would our literary dream team look like, then? This ultimate book club must comprise people who will keep things fun and fresh, who will always be on time, contribute food and wine, and most importantly: actually read the book.

Here are five people who would make a boss book club, and (probably) not harm or hex each other.

Posted by Kristina Pino

Affirmations for your Sad Desk Lunch

The leaves are changing colors and there’s a wonderful chill in the air. It’s Fall, y’all! And even though we’ve been out of school for years at this point, we still associate this time of year with back to school. Do you remember those notes your parents would pack in your school lunch – those sweet little letters that always left you so embarrassed? We think it’s time to bring those back. Because the sad desk lunch could really use an upgrade. Trust us on this one.

Posted by Danielle Mohlman

What Would Author Acceptance Speeches Look Like?

Photo by Rob Laughter on Unsplash

The 70th annual Emmy Awards are on Monday and while we’ve been re-watching our favorite shows in anticipation, nothing beats the love we have for our favorite novelists. And while the Emmy’s haven’t created an award for Best Original Source Material – and come on, why not? – that hasn’t stopped us from imagining what that nomination pool would look like. And because we can’t bear to imagine any of our favorites losing, we’re dreaming up acceptance speeches for each of them.

Posted by Danielle Mohlman

Grown Up Literary Back to School Shopping

Back to school shopping is the best. It’s so incredibly satisfying to buy a new backpack and sharpen a new set of pencils. Life feels infinite and the possibilities feel endless! But what about those of us who’ve been out of school for a while now? Where’s our September satisfaction? Well, just you wait. Today we’re showcasing six of our favorite literary school supplies – perfect for work, your home office, or a trip to the library!

Posted by Danielle Mohlman

Books That Will Grow Your Reading List

If you’re like us, you never run out of things to read. There’s always a stack of books waiting for you at the library or a bunch of books you already own but have never read. But every once in a while you crave a new set of recommendations. Well, today’s your lucky day. Not only are we making some stellar recommendations, those books are making their own recommendations. Today we’re showcasing books that will grow your reading list. So, let’s get reading!

Posted by Danielle Mohlman

Ten Bookish Charities to Start the School Year Right

If you’re someone who saves all their charitable giving for the end of the year, you’re probably not spending too much time daydreaming about which charities can use your dollars right now. You’re thinking instead about pumpkin spice lattes and the fresh smell of new school supplies. But those thought processes don’t need to be mutually exclusive. In fact, there are a ton of charities who can put that tax-deductible dollar to work while still giving you those back to school feelings. We’ve rounded up ten of our favorite bookish charities, perfect for this September sweet spot.

Posted by Danielle Mohlman