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Parents in Pop Culture Who Are Killing It

Photo by Agung Pandit Wiguna from Pexels

We know you’re a fan of badass characters. You wouldn’t be here otherwise. Women changing the game, characters we think Sandra Oh should play, famous literary bachelors who would thrive on The Bachelorette — it’s all fair game. But what about the pop culture parents? What about the caregivers who don’t get nearly enough credit? Well today is all about them.

Posted by Danielle Mohlman

How to Find Your Literary BFF

The International Day of Friendship is here and we can’t think of a more wholesome and delightful holiday. How often do we have the chance to celebrate our best friends and our chosen family? Well, if we’re lucky, every day. But today is still really wonderful. In honor of this international celebration of friendship, we’re helping you find a literary BFF right in your own city.

Posted by Danielle Mohlman

Veronica Mars and Other Plucky Young Detectives

Veronica Mars

Veronica Mars is back for a fourth season and we couldn’t be happier. The season premieres on Hulu on July 26 and we’re counting down the days. Veronica is hands down our favorite private investigator (sorry, Jessica Jones) and we’re eagerly anticipating this eight-episode adventure. Which got us thinking about the young detectives and private investigators that populate our bookshelves.

Posted by Danielle Mohlman

Literary References in Beatles Songs

Have you seen Yesterday yet? While we think the concept is very entertaining – a musician wakes up one day to discover he’s the only person who remembers The Beatles – it’s a world we definitely don’t want to live in. Imagine not knowing a single Beatles song. Not even "Piggies!"(Okay, yeah. We get it. No one actually likes "Piggies.") But imagine how many Beatles literary references we’d lose!

Posted by Danielle Mohlman

The Many Literary Roles of Tom Hanks

Photo by Monique Carrati on Unsplash

While we could wax poetic all day long about Tom Hanks and what a wonderful actor is — and the sneaky way he became America’s dad despite a romcom start. (You’ve Got Mail and Sleepless in Seattle forever.) What we really want to talk about is just how literary his career is. And we’re not just talking about his book of short stories written on typewriters, Uncommon Type. Books pop up everywhere in Tom Hanks’ career. It’s almost like he’s a bookworm or something. We’re celebrating every literary role he’s ever taken, starting with the not-yet-released — and the rumors! — and working all the way back to Forrest Gump.

Posted by Danielle Mohlman

Strange Buddy Cop Pairings in Pop Culture

In Andrew Shaffer’s 2018 political fantasy slash buddy cop book Hope Never Dies, former President Barack Obama and Vice President Joe Biden team up for an unlikely, yet strangely satisfying premise: Biden’s favorite train conductor has died and he’s the only one who can solve the mystery. But not without his political counterpart, the irreplaceable Barack Obama.

This week, Shaffer’s back with a sequel to this madcap mystery – this time to catch the culprit who stole President Obama’s prized Blackberry. Hope Rides Again is the perfect companion to a densely populated Democratic primary, but it’s not the only buddy cop pairing on our mind. Join us as we dive into the strangest and most delightful buddy cop pairings in the pop culture universe.

Posted by Danielle Mohlman