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Book Recommendations for the Cafeteria Tables in Mean Girls

We seem to have misplaced our calendar. Can anyone tell us what day it is?

Oh that’s right. It’s Mean Girls day! And while we could just spend all day organizing a living room read of Much Ado About Mean Girls – we’re biased, but it’s hilarious – what we really want to do is head on over to North Shore High School and start handing out book recommendations around the cafeteria. Admit it, you want to know what The Plastics are reading when they’re not plotting everyone else’s complete demise. (It’s the picture book Corduroy. We know. We were surprised too.) Read on to see what else we’re recommending!

Posted by Danielle Mohlman

Philosophy Quiz: Which Character from The Good Place Are You?

The Good Place is back for its fourth and final season and we are so forking sad about it. But we love a good exit strategy and we trust Michael Schur with our hearts and our televisions, so we know that this is ultimately the right way to go out. We’re not happy about it! But we accept it.

Posted by Danielle Mohlman

Literary One Hit Wonders

Everyone loves a one hit wonder – that song you turn on when you’re feeling a little down. Who cares if you don’t know who actually sings this song; it’s a classic! But what about a literary one hit wonder? What about those books that are just devastatingly good – but don’t have a follow up novel to satisfy our hunger? Today, we’re pairing our favorite literary one hit wonders with the one hit wonders we love to dance to. It’s a big ol’ nerdy party over here!

Posted by Danielle Mohlman

Books That Feel Like a Pumpkin Spice Latte

The leaves are finally beginning to change and it’s almost – almost! – sweater weather. We’re waving farewell to those summer days spent reading outside and instead daydreaming about how we can bottle up the taste of a pumpkin spice latte into a reading experience. So grab your favorite blanket, light a few candles, and hunker down for a hygge day of reading.

Posted by Danielle Mohlman

All For One: Standalone Books for Singles Day

Loving a story is an amazing thing. There are so many great tales in the world and sometimes it is hard to narrow down what the very best reads are to spend time on. Compounding this concern is the plethora of great long running series of books which have taken over the shelves of local bookstores. While many people have been spending their time on long running tales like A Song of Ice and Fire or Harry Potter, an occasional break from the thousands and thousands of pages is nice. It is time to consider throwing in some one and done novels to give a bit of rapid closure and catharsis. For Singles Day, we're providing a list of some of the best standalone novels for a quick recharge before diving back into that epic series.

Posted by David Winnick

Books Set in a World Without Books

It’s National Read A Book Day and we’re grateful for a world full of literature. Think about it: if we really wanted to we could run to the library after work, or pop into a bookstore on our lunch break. And if you’re reading this right now, chances are you have a TBR pile on your nightstand and unread books on your bookshelf. The printed world is everywhere! But imagine a world without books. Today, we’re exploring books, both fiction and non-fiction, that bring this concept to the forefront. Read on!

Posted by Danielle Mohlman